Development of new methods and tools for the optimization of the glass container manufacturing process
COMPASS Ingeniería y Sistemas is promoting an innovative project for the glass industry in collaboration with VIDRALA.
The main objective of the MOVASE Project, entitled “Development of new methods and tools for the optimization of the glass container manufacturing process” is the development of new methods and tools that allow the optimization of the glass material container manufacturing process. To achieve the proposed result of this action, the companies and research centers participating in the project have developed the following objectives:
- Project Management: Control of the progress and parameters of the project in terms of deliverables, quality, cost and time.
- Investigation of the materials and physical phenomena that occur in the glass container manufacturing process: identify and characterize the materials and physical phenomena involved in the molding process. To identify the measurable parameters of the process and to estimate those parameters that are not measurable, with the expected result of having a theoretical basis on which to build the analysis models.
- Research on the glass container manufacturing process: to identify the main aspects of improvement of the glass container manufacturing process, in order to finally develop procedures that, based on the application of computer simulation tools, allow the optimization of the container manufacturing process.
- Development of computer simulation algorithms for the different stages and phenomena involved in glass container forming: development of new simulation algorithms for the different stages of the manufacturing process and the different phenomena involved in glass forming.
- Validation of the computer simulation tools developed: validation of the tools developed in the previous activity.
- Demonstration of the tools and procedures developed in the optimization of the manufacturing process of a reference glass container: demonstration of procedures and tools.
This project has been co-funded by the European Union and by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, in the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation (2013-2016). State Program for R&D&I Oriented to the Challenges of Society.
Subprogram RETOS COLABORACIÓN RTC-2016-4826-5