Compass holds together a highly qualified and multidisciplinary team. On top of expertise built from years of delivering successful projects, the same innovative spirit and energy has persisted since the initial stage as part of CIMNE.
The way of compass
- Pushing forward
innovation - Our advanced software and consultancy solutions provide innovative answer to high complexity problems.
- With
reliability - An intensive research activity, and high added-value technology transfer work is performed from academic and research centers directly to the different industrial sectors.
- Opened to
synergies - We promote the creation of synergies with other companies and research institutions, by means of intensive and active participation in R&D projects.
- Contributing to
dissemination - Highly compromised with clients and collaborators, in order to disseminate knowledge by means of training and support activities adapted to each company’s needs.
- Highly
versatile - Flexible enough to develop customized numerical tools, and help companies face their particular software and technical consultancy requirements.
our team

Daniel Sá
MSc Naval Architecture.
Specialized in CFD analysis and optimization of marine structures.

Clara García
MSc Telecommunication Engineerign.
Specialized in code developing, BIM, and GUI optimization.

Dr. Joel Jurado
PhD Naval Architecture.
Specialized in analysis and optimization of composite structures.

Jaume Sagues
MSc Industrial Engineering. Specialized in FEM code developing and structural analysis.
Compass contributes to model the future by means of advanced simulation engineering.
If you are interested in being part of our project, let us know!
We offer opportunities to engineers, researchers, PhD students, as well as schollarships for .
- In Compass
you will be fulfilled if: - Engineering, simulation and coding are among your passions.
Everyday learning motivates you.
You love to let your intiative run free.
You do not let complex problems beat you.
You are methodic and persistent, and…
… you value a nice working atmosphere!

Contact us for any enquiry:
- Information about our consultancy services
- Information about our software
- Technical support
- R&D collaborations
- Interest in working with us