Tdyn Reference ============== This chapter gives a brief explanation of every option available in Tdyn CFD+HT. Fluid Dynamics & Multiphysics analysis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Fluid dynamics` and `Multiphysics` data refers to all the information required for performing the analysis and it does not concern any particular module. `Fluid dynamics` and `Multiphysics` data also differs from the previous definitions of conditions and materials properties, which are assigned to different entities. Some examples of general `Fluid dynamics` and `Multiphysics` data are the type of solution algorithm used by the solver, the value of the time step, convergence conditions and so on. Options available in Problem section ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This group of data refers to the selection of problems to be solved with Fluid Dynamics and Multiphysics. * **Solve fluid**: Select this option if you are going to solve any fluid problem. If this option is not selected, any defined fluid domain will be ignored in the solution of the problem. Several options exist for Solve fluid: - *Solve Fluid Flow* : Select this option if you are going to solve fluid flow (RANSE) problem. This option will only be available in Fluid Flow module. - *Solve heat transfer* : Select this option to solve a heat transfer problem in a fluid. If this option is not selected, the temperature problem in fluid domains will be ignored in the solution process. This option will only be available in Heat Transfer module. - *Solve Species advection*: Select this option to solve a species advection problem in fluid. If this option is not selected, the species advection problem in fluid domains will be ignored in the solution. This option will only be available in Species Advection module. - *Solve PDEs problems*: Select this option to solve any user defined PDE (phi variables) problem in fluid. If this option is not selected, the user defined PDE's problem in fluid domains will be ignored in the solution. This option will only be available in PDE's solver module. - *Solve free surface (ODDLS)*: Select this option to solve free surface problems in fluid based on ODD level set. This option will only be available in ODDLS module. - *Solve free surface (Transpiration)*: Select this option to solve a transpiration free surface problem in fluid. If this option is not selected, the transpiration free surface problem in fluid domains will be ignored in the solution. This option is only available in Transpiration module of 3D analysis. - *Solve mesh deformation*: Select this option to apply mesh deformation algorithms and apply Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) solvers in fluid. This option will only be available in Mesh Deformation module. - *Solve comfort*: Select this option to solve comfort problems in fluid domains. This option will only be available in Comfort module. * **Solve solid** : Select this option if you are going to solve any solid problem. If this option is not selected, any defined solid domain will be ignored in the solution of the problem. Several options exist for Solve solid: - *Solve Solid Flow*: Select this option if you are going to solve fluid flow problem in a solid (flow in porous media). This option will only be available in Flow in Solids module. - *Solve heat transfer*: Select this option to solve a heat transfer problem in a solid. If this option is not selected, the temperature problem in solid domains will be ignored in the solution process. This option will only be available in Heat Transfer module. - *Solve species advection*: Select this option to solve a species advection problem in solid. If this option is not selected, the species advection problem in solid domains will be ignored in the solution. This option will only be available in Species Advection module. - *Solve PDEs Problems*: Select this option to solve any user defined PDE (phi variables) problem in solid. If this option is not selected, the user defined PDE's problem in solid domains will be ignored in the solution. This option will only be available in PDE's solver module. Options available in Analysis section ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Number of Steps**: Number of steps of the simulation. Total physical time to be simulated will be Number of Steps x Time increment. Recommended values to achieve steady state is: .. math:: NumberOfSteps ≥ 1000·dt·V/Ld where dt is the time increment and V, Ld the characteristic velocity and length. * **Time Increment**: Time step of the simulation. Total physical time to be simulated will be Number of Steps x . The recommended value is: .. math:: dt=C·Ld/V where dt is the time increment, V, Ld the characteristic velocity and length and 0.1 < C < 0.01. In case a transient phenomenon of characteristic time or period (T) is expected, then dt can be calculated as 1/10 to 1/100 of T of the problem is usually more appropriate. .. note:: **Remarks**: In any case, it is important to verify if the dt calculated with the above formulae is adequate for the mesh used. This can be done by evaluating a characteristic mesh time as: dtm = h/V, where h is the characteristic mesh size (usually the smallest element size). It is recommended the dt used in the calculations to be between 2·dtm < dt < 20·dtm. *Time increment* may also be defined by a global function (see `Function Syntax <./chap9_function_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). Units of the time step of the simulation are given in the menu next to this field. * **Mas Iterations**: Maximum number of iterations of the non-linear algorithm for solution of the problem. Recommended values come from 3 to 10, depending on the value of the convergence norms (see Modules Data section). .. note:: **Remarks**: In some cases the algorithm may not converge in the initial time-steps, due to the start up process, resulting in the appearing of a warning message *More than...number...iterations may be necessary*. If only the steady state is of interest, this message may be simply ignored, otherwise *Max Iterations* value should be increased. * **Initial Steps**: During first *Initial Steps* some controls are carried out in the algorithm in order to stabilise the problem during the start up process. It is strongly recommended to define *Initial Steps* about 10% of the *Number of Steps* in problems with free surface transpiration. * **Start Up Control**: if activated, during first *Initial Steps* the start up process is smoothed. This can be done by creating a adequate acceleration in the flow (*Speed*), by smoothly increasing the time increment (*Time*) or *Both*. * **Restart**: if *On*, the restart file is used to define the initial data. The Restart file taken will be ‘ProblemName.flavia.rst’. This file is automatically written with the rest of the results. To restart a case, the *Number of Steps* must be increased in the number of new steps to be run. .. note:: **Remarks**: Note that the *Number of Steps* must be set to a number greater than the last step reached in the previous calculation. For example, if one should want to restart and perform a calculation of 100 steps, and the previous calc. reached 600, the Num. of Steps should be set to 700. * **Processor unit**: it allows to choose between CPU and CPU+GPU processor options. If CPU mode is selected the entire calculation is performed in the Computer Processor Unit. On the contrary, if CPU+GPU mode is selected the numerical solver runs on the Graphical Processor Unit if this type of device is available in the computer being used. CPU+GPU mode tries to benefit from the increasing computational power of modern GPU devices in order to increase solver performance. * **Multiprocessor mode**: it allows to select the parallel execution mode. By default, *Parallel mode* is used so that the program automatically makes use of the maximum available number of logical CPU cores. If *Sequential mode* is used instead, the solver runs sequentially so that the program executes in a single logical processor. If the *User Defined* option is chosen, the user is allowed to select the actual number of logical CPU cores to be used during the calculation. * **Number of CPU's**: Number of CPU's is the number of processors to be used on a parallel computation. It must be less or equal to the maximum number of available processors in the current computer. In multi-core CPU machines, *Number of CPU's* actually refers to the total number of independent cores. * **Use Hypre Solvers**: it allows to activate/deactivate the use of Hypre' solvers. Hypre is a software library of high performance preconditioners and solvers for the solution of large, sparse linear systems of equations on parallel computers developed by the LLNL (Hypre's site). It has been introduced in Tdyn to provide the capability of running parallel jobs using the message passing interface (MPI) paradigm. * **MPI**: it allows to activate/deactivate the message passing interface (MPI) parallel mode. It is only available when the Hypre Solvers option is active. Depending on the actual architecture and/or operating system of the computer, MPI execution may also require the installation of third party software responsible for the management of the parallel processes execution (see additional information on the `CompassIS webpage `_). * **Number of MPI nodes**: when using the MPI parallel execution mode, this entry allows the user to specify the number of calculation nodes to be used for parallel execution. Based on this information, Tdyn will automatically perform the required domain decomposition before running the calculation. * **Steady State solver**: if *On*, it starts the calculation procedure for an automatic search of the steady state. Options available in Results section ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Output Step** : each *Output Step* time steps the results will be written to disk. .. note:: **Remarks**: This value will control the size of the results file. * **Output Start**: the results will be written each *Output Step* time steps after *Output Start* steps. .. note:: **Remarks**: This value will control the size of the results file. * **Results File**: type of the results file (Binary, Binary2, ASCII or EnSightGold). Binary2 must be used to visualize results with CompassFEM postprocess. Binary can only be read by the Traditional postprocess. However, the Traditional postprocess can read also Binary2 results, so it is not recommended to use Binary format. * **Fluid Flow**: options available with Fluid Flow module selected. - *Write Initial Data* : mark to write in the results file the initial data of the problem. - *Write Velocity* : mark to write velocity field in the results file. - *Write Velocity Stress Tensor*: mark to write velocity stress tensor field in the results file. - *Write Pressure* : mark to write pressure field in the results file. - *Write Pressure Gradient*: mark to write pressure field in the results file. - *Write Total Pressure*: mark to write total pressure field in the results file (including hydrostatic component). - *Write Density* : mark to write fluid density field in the results file. - *Write Viscosity*: mark to write viscosity field in the results file. - *Write Wall Law Traction*: mark to write wall stress given by the Law of the Wall (if exits) in the results file. - *Write Tau Parameter*: mark to write tau parameter (local Courant number) field in the results file. - *Write Eddy Viscosity*: mark to write eddy viscosity field in the results file. - *Write Eddy Kinetic Energy*: mark to write eddy kinetic energy field in the results file. - *Write Epsilon*: mark to write epsilon (turbulence variable) field in the results file. - *Write Omega*: mark to write omega (turbulence variable) field in the results file. - *Write K Tau*: mark to write kτ variable (of K_KT turbulence model) field in the results file. * **Heat Transfer**: options available with Heat Transfer module selected. - *Write Temperature*: mark to write temperature field in the results file. - *Write Temperature Gradient*: mark to write temperature gradient field in the results file. - *Write Heat Flux*: mark to write heat flux through the boundaries. - *Write Solid Density*: mark to write solid density field in the results file. * **Species Advection**: options available with Species Advection module selected. - *Write Species Concentration*: mark to write species concentration field in the results file. * **PDE's solver**: options available with PDE's solver module selected. - *Write Phi Variable*: mark to write phi variables field in the results file. * **Mesh Deformation**: options available with Mesh Deformation module selected. - *Write Mesh Deformation*: mark to write mesh deformation in the results file. - *Write ALE Velocity*: also referred as Eulerian velocity. Mark to write the velocity given in the moving reference frame. * **Free surface**: options available with free surface (transpiration) module. - *Write Wave Elevation*: mark to write wave elevation field in the results file. - *Write Wave Elevation Vector*: mark to write wave elevation vector field in the results file. * **Comfort module**: options available with comfort module. - *Write PMV*: mark to write PMV index results (Predicted Mean Vote). - *Write PPD*: mark to write PPD index results (Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied). * **User defined functions**: options available to provide user defined results. Each custom results may be written as a function of already available problem variables. - *Fluid Function #*: Mark to write the function field (only evaluated in fluid domain) in the results file. The function field is written in IS units in the analysis group USERDEF. If this file is marked, two new field will be available. - *Name*: Name of the function. The corresponding field is identified with this name in the postprocessing part. - *Function*: Insert the fluid function to be evaluated and written. See `Function Syntax <./chap9_function_syntax.html>`_ section for further information. - *Solid Function #*: Mark to write the function field (only evaluated in solid domain) in the results file. The function field is written in IS units in the analysis group USERDEF. If this file is marked, two new field will be available. - *Name*: Name of the function. The corresponding field is identified with this name in the postprocessing part. - *Function*: Insert the fluid function to be evaluated and written. See `Function Syntax <./chap9_function_syntax.html>`_ section for further information. Options available in Fluid Solver section ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This group of data refers to all the information required to define the integration scheme and solver data of the problem/s to be analysed in the fluid domain. * **Flow Solver Model**: Flow solver model used in the fluid domain. Available options are Incompressible, PrCompressible (compressible algorithm using pressure as main variable) and DnCompressible (compressible algorithm using density as main variable). - *Incompressible* model is adequate for those problems where the compressibility effects are small, as happens in open flows with characteristic Mach number below 0.4. It can handle small compressibility effects using the *SlightlyIncompressible* fluid model algorithm. See Materials section for further information. - *PrCompressible* is a compressible using pressure as main variable. This model is suitable for most of the practical cases. However it can not handle shock waves. - *DnCompressible* model is the most suitable for those problems where compressible effects are quite relevant. It can even simulate shock waves. * **Time Integration**: Time integration scheme used in the solution process of the fluid problem: - *Backward Euler*: Implicit 1st order scheme. - *Crank Nicolson* : Implicit 2nd order scheme. * **Solver NonSymmetric**: Solver type used in the solution of the nonsymmetric linear systems of equations. - *BiConjugateGradient*: Biconjugate gradient solver. - *StabBiConjugateGradient*: Stabilised biconjugate gradient solver. - *GMRes*: Generalised minimum residual solver. - *SquaredConjugateGradient*: Squared conjugate gradient solver. - *GaussSeidel*: Gauss Seidel solver. - *Direct*: Parallel Sparse Direct Solver. * **Tolerance**: Tolerance used in the solution of the non-symmetric linear systems of equations (see Solver NonSymmetric). A value smaller than 1.0·10-6 is recommended. * **Max. Iterations**: Maximum number of iterations of the nonsymmetric linear systems of equations (see Solver NonSymmetric). * **Preconditioner**: Preconditioner used in the solution of the nonsymmetric linear systems of equations (see Solver NonSymmetric). .. note:: **Remarks**: In some cases using elements with high aspect ratio the diagonal preconditioner may work better than others. * **Krilov sp. dimension**: Dimension of internal direct solver used in GMRes solver (see Solver NonSymmetric). A value greater than 20 is recommended. * **Solver Symmetric**: Solver type used in the solution of the symmetric linear systems of equations. - *BiConjugateGradient*: Biconjugate gradient solver. - *StabBiConjugateGradient*: Stabilised biconjugate gradient solver. - *GMRes*: Generalised minimum residual solver. - *SquaredConjugateGradient*: Squared conjugate gradient solver. - *GaussSeidel*: Gauss Seidel solver. - *Direct*: Parallel Sparse Direct Solver. * **Tolerance**: Tolerance used in the solution of the symmetric linear systems of equations (see Solver Symmetric). A value smaller than 1.0·10-6 is recommended. * **Max. Iterations**: Maximum number of iterations of the symmetric linear systems of equations (see Solver Symmetric). * **Preconditioner**: Preconditioner used in the solution of the symmetric linear systems of equations (see Solver Symmetric). .. note:: **Remarks**: In some cases using elements with high aspect ratio the diagonal preconditioner may work better than others. * **Krilov sp. dimension**: Dimension of internal direct solver used in GMRes solver (see Solver Symmetric). A value greater than 20 is recommended. * **Advection Norm**: Euclidean convergence norm of the velocity, used for recalculating or not advective terms. A value smaller than 1.0·10-5 is recommended. * **Steady State Norm**: Euclidean norm used to detect the steady state. If each variable increment is smaller than this norm, the problem is stopped and results are written to the disk. * **Increment Control**: This option activates a control that limits the maximum admissible increment of the variables for every iteration. The limit is taken as ratio of the convergence norm of the variable. Select None to switch this control off. Options available in Solid Solver section ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This group of data refers to all the information required to define the integration scheme and solver data of the problem/s to be analysed in the solid domain. * **Flow Solver Model**: Flow solver model used in the fluid domain. Available options are *Incompressible*, *PrCompressible* (compressible algorithm using pressure as main variable) and *DnCompressible* (compressible algorithm using density as main variable). - *Incompressible* model is adequate for those problems where the compressibility effects are small, as happens in open flows with characteristic Mach number below 0.4. It can handle small compressibility effects using the *SlightlyIncompressible* fluid model algorithm. See Materials section for further information. See Materials section for further information. - *PrCompressible* is a compressible using pressure as main variable. This model is suitable for most of the practical cases. However it can not handle shock waves. - *DnCompressible* model is the most suitable for those problems where compressible effects are quite relevant. It can even simulate shock waves. * **Time Integration**: Time integration scheme used in the solution process of the solid problem: - *Backward Euler*: Implicit 1st order scheme. - *Crank Nicolson* : Implicit 2nd order scheme. * **Solver Symmetric**: Solver type used in the solution of the symmetric linear systems of equations. - *BiConjugateGradient*: Biconjugate gradient solver. - *StabBiConjugateGradient*: Stabilised biconjugate gradient solver. - *GMRes*: Generalised minimum residual solver. - *SquaredConjugateGradient*: Squared conjugate gradient solver. - *GaussSeidel*: Gauss Seidel solver. - *Direct*: Parallel Sparse Direct Solver. * **Tolerance**: Tolerance used in the solution of the symmetric linear systems of equations (see Solver Symmetric). A value smaller than 1.0·10-6 is recommended. * **Max. Iterations**: Maximum number of iterations of the symmetric linear systems of equations (see Solver Symmetric). * **Preconditioner**: Preconditioner used in the solution of the symmetric linear systems of equations (see Solver Symmetric). .. note:: **Remarks**: In some cases using elements with high aspect ratio the diagonal preconditioner may work better than others. * **Krilov sp. dimension**: Dimension of internal direct solver used in GMRes solver (see Solver Symmetric). A value greater than 20 is recommended. * **Steady State Norm**: Norm used to detect the steady state. A value smaller than 1.0·10-5 is recommended. * **Increment Control**: This option activates a control that limits the maximum admissible increment of the variables for every iteration. The limit is taken as ratio of the convergence norm of the variable. Select None to switch this control off. Options available in Other section ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **User Defined Integrals** Within this section of the data tree, the user can define fluid and solid volumetric integrals of any of the calculation variables. This integrals will be calculated for each time step. **Tcl data** *Use Tcl External Script*: If the check-box is selected, the Tcl extension is activated. The entry may indicate a Tcl script to be interpreted during execution. The Tcl script can define any of the standard program Tcl functions. See section Tcl Extension for further information about Tcl extension. **Other data** *Warn. Level*: If None, warning messages are not shown during the calculation process. Other possibilities are Few, Some or All. *Multiple Runs & Additional Steps*: This options allows the user to create a vector of factors, which will affect the velocity field each additional run (which will run for # additional_steps). For example, if multiple_runs=[1.0 1.51.6] and additional_steps=100, then, when the first run finishes, a new run will start, for 100 steps, with the velocity field multiplied by 1.5. Again, when it finishes, the resulting vel. field will by multiplied by 1.6, and the calculation will run for another 100 steps. *Mesh Refinement Type*: This option tells Tdyn to calculate some mesh correction parameters, while the analysis is running. These corrections are written in a file (background mesh, ***.bgm), and the mesher will read this file, modifying the mesh assigned sizes, in order to improve it. Modules Data ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Modules data refers to all the specific information needed to performance a particular Tdyn CFD+HT analysis. See Introduction section for more information about Tdyn CFD+HT modules. **Tdyn CFD+HT Modules Data options** can be set from **Modules Data** in the tree. Fluid flow data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ General ------- * **Use Total Pressure**: Mark if you want to use total pressure (including fluid-static term) as internal variable in the solution of the fluid flow problem. .. note:: **Remarks**: In most of the cases the solution of the fluid problem without fluid-static term is the most accurate one. The "Use total pressure" option is hence deactivated by default since the pressure calculation algorithm is usually more precise. It is recommended to activate this option only when fluidstatic (or more usually hidrostatic) effects are expected to have a significant effect in the problem under analysis. If this option is selected, please check the correctness of the pressure boundary conditions. You must ensure that such conditions take into account the fluid-static pressure term. * **Pressure reference location**: Mark if you want to define the origin of the fluid-static pressure term. * **Pressure Origin**: Coordinates of the total pressure origin. * **Xplane Symmetry in Fluid**: Mark if you want to define symmetry planes in the fluid problem, perpendicular to OX axis. * **Xplane Symmetry Position**: Position of the symmetry planes in the fluid problem, perpendicular to OX axis, given in the units of the geometry. * **Yplane Symmetry in Fluid**: Mark if you want to define symmetry planes in the fluid problem, perpendicular to OY axis. * **Yplane Symmetry Position**: Position of the symmetry planes in the fluid problem, perpendicular to OY axis, given in the units of the geometry. * **Zplane Symmetry in Fluid**: Mark if you want to define symmetry planes in the fluid problem, perpendicular to OZ axis. * **Zplane Symmetry Position**: Position of the symmetry planes in the fluid problem, perpendicular to OZ axis, given in the units of the geometry. * **Operating Pressure**: this is the reference pressure for compressible solvers. It is always taken into account to evaluate compressibility effects. The user must introduce pressure boundary conditions in accordance to the operating pressure value introduced in this field. In this sense, if for instance the atmospheric pressure is the actual value of the operating pressure introduced in this field, then you can fix the outlet boundary condition equal to zero and the inlet pressure equal to the actual inlet overpressure. On the contrary, if you use a cero pressure value as the operating pressure, then you must fix the outlet pressure boundary condition equal to the atmospheric pressure, and the inlet boundary condition equal to the atmospheric pressure plus the corresponding overpressure. In fact, both cases will provide the correct density, but only using the second approach you will also obtain the actual absolute pressure and total force over bodies. Algorithm --------- * **Velocity Advect Stabilisation**: Order of the FIC advection stabilisation term in the Navier Stokes equations. Three available options are Auto, 4th_Order and 2nd_Order. .. note:: **Remarks**: The 4th order term increases the accuracy of the solution and is recommended in most of the cases. However in some problems it may cause instabilities. *Auto* mode will automatically switch between 4th and 2nd order scheme, depending on the smoothness of the solution. * **Velocity Control Level**: Level of control of instabilities (0 means Off). If instabilities are found in the velocity field when using the 2nd_Order Velocity Advect Stabilisation, first try to reduce Time Increment, then to increase this value. Note that high values may cause over-diffusive results. * **TauCalcType**: This indicates the method for calculating the stabilisation parameter tau. This should not be changed from its default value (geometrical), for most of the cases. Nevertheless, analytical method gives good results in cases where boundary layer mesh is involved. * **StabTauV MinRatio**: Minimum admissible ratio (τ/dt, being dt the time increment) for the stabilisation parameter τ of the velocity solver. It will be also used for temperature and advection of species problems. .. note:: **Remarks**: Advection stabilisation term is proportional to the parameter τ. In most of the cases, the minimum value of this parameter should not be fixed (i.e. τ/dt = 0.0), otherwise oscillations may appear. * **Velocity Inner Iterations**: Number of iterations of the inner nonlinear fluid flow momentum eq. solver (performed every external iteration). * **Velocity Norm**: Velocity Euclidean norm used to check convergence in the non-linear iteration loop. * **Velocity Boundary type**: AdvancedVBC implements specific treatment of boundary conditions for momentum equation in those boundaries with transient velocity conditions. * **Pressure Stabilisation**: Scheme to be used in the stabilisation of the Pressure solver of the Navier Stokes equations. * **StabTauP min. ratio**: Minimum admissible ratio (tau/dt) for the stabilization parameter tau used in the pressure stabilization. * **StabTauP max. ratio**: Maximum admissible ratio (tau/dt) for the stabilization parameter tau used in the pressure stabilization. * **Pressure Inner Iterations**: Number of iterations of the inner nonlinear Navier Stokes pressure solver (performed every external iteration). * **Pressure Norm**: Pressure Euclidean norm used to check convergence in the non-linear iteration loop. * **Pressure Boundary type**: AdvancedPBC implements specific treatment of boundary conditions for mass balance equation in those boundaries with transient velocity conditions. * **Initialise Flow Field**: If Potential_Flow is selected, then the initial velocity and pressure field is taken from the adaptation of the solution of a potential flow problem, trying to the imposed boundary conditions. The available options are None, Potential_Flow and Stokes_Flow. * **Floatability by Density**: This must be activated if the floatability forces existing in fluids, due to changes in density, are to be simulated. Turbulence ---------- * **Turbulence Model**: Select the turbulence model to be used in the solution of the fluid flow problem. - *Laminar*: Navier Stokes equations are solved (i.e. Reynolds stress tensor is neglected and therefore only direct simulation of turbulence is done). - *Mixing_Length*: Basic turbulence model based in the Prandtl hypothesis, where the turbulence length scale (L) is given in the EddyLen Field entry. - *Smagorinsky*: Basic large eddy simulation (LES) turbulence model. The implementation includes an eddy viscosity damping in the boundary layer area. See Turbulence Modelling section for further information. - *Kinetic_Energy*: Prandtl's one equation (k) model for turbulent flows with integration to the wall, where the turbulence length scale (L) is given in the EddyLen Field entry. - *K_Energy_Two_Layers*: Prandtl's one equation (k) model for turbulent flows with integration to the wall, where the turbulence length scale (L) is given in the EddyLen Field entry. The implementation of this model includes an eddy viscosity damping in the boundary layer area. - *K_E_High_Reynolds*: Two-equation k-ε model for turbulent flows. The model implemented is based on the standard formulation with some modifications to be used with different wall boundary conditions. See Turbulence Modelling section for further information. - *K_E_Two_Layers*: Two-equation k-ε model for turbulent flows with integration to the wall. This implementation uses the high-Re k-ε model only away from the wall in the fully turbulent region, and the near-wall viscosity affected layer is resolved with a one-equation model involving a length-scale prescription. See Turbulence Modelling section for further information. - *K_E_Lam_Bremhorst*: Two-equation k-ε model for turbulent flows with integration to the wall. The model implemented is based on the description done by Lam-Bremhorst with some modifications to be used with different wall boundary conditions. See Turbulence Modelling section for further information. - *K_E_Launder_Sharma*: Two-equation k-ε model for turbulent flows with integration to the wall. The model implemented is based on the description done by Launder and Sharma with some modifications to be used with different wall boundary conditions. See Turbulence Modelling section for further information. - *K_Omega*: Two equation k-ω model for turbulent flows with integration to the wall. The model implemented is based on the description done by Wilcox with some modifications to be used with different wall boundary conditions. See Turbulence Modelling section for further information. - *K_Omega_SST*: Two-equation model for turbulent flows with integration to the wall, expressed in terms of a k-ω model formulation. The k-ω SST shear-stress-transport model combines several desirable elements of standard k-ε and k-ω models. See Turbulence Modelling section for further information. - *K_KT*: Two-equation k-kτ model for turbulent flows with integration to the wall. The model implemented is based on the description done by Wilcox with some modifications to be used with different wall boundary conditions. See Turbulence Modelling section for further information. - *Spalart_Allmaras*: One equation model for turbulent flows with integration to the wall. See Turbulence Modelling section for further information. - *ILES*: Implicit LES model based on Finite Increment Calculus formulation. .. note:: **Remarks**: For further information about the turbulence models and how to solve turbulence flows, please consult the Tdyn's Turbulence Handbook. * **Turbulence Advect Stabilisation**: Order of the FIC advection stabilisation term in the turbulence equations. Three available options are *Auto*, *4th_Order* and *2nd_Order*. .. note:: **Remarks**: The 4th order term increases the accuracy of the solution and is recommended in most of the cases. However in some problems it may cause instabilities. *Auto* mode will automatically switch between 4th and 2nd order scheme, depending on the smoothness of the solution. * **Turbulence Control Level**: Level of control of instabilities for turbulence (0 means Off). If unstabilities are found in the eddy viscosity field when using the 2nd_Order Turbulence Advect Stabilisation, first try to reduce Time Increment and refine the mesh when possible, then to increase this value. Note that high values may cause over-diffusive results. * **Turbulence Inner Iterations**: Number of iterations of the inner nonlinear turbulence solver (performed every external iteration). Advanced turbulence options can be accessed by using the following option of the tree to open the *Ransol module Advanced data window*: .. note:: **Remarks**: This option is not visible from the tree but it is visible when the turbulence panel is opened. This panel is opened by double clicking on the 'turbulence' option .. figure:: figures/turbulence_more_options1.png :scale: 80% :align: center With 'Double click' it is possible to open the 'turbulence' frame. .. figure:: figures/turbulence_more_options2.png :scale: 80% :align: center 'Turbulence' frame where 'More options' are available. The advanced options available in the contextual window are detailed in what follows: * **Fix Turbulence on Bodies**: If Yes is selected, turbulence variables will have a fixed value, given by the selected law of the wall on the bodies surfaces. If No is selected, natural boundary condition will be applied. * **Tvisco Min Ratio**: Eddy viscosity ratio with the minimum of initial values of the eddy viscosity, used to calculate the minimum admissible value. * **Tvisco Max Ratio**: Eddy viscosity ratio with the maximum of initial values of the eddy viscosity, used to calculate the maximum admissible value (> 1.0). * **Kenergy Min Ratio**: Eddy kinetic energy (k) ratio with maximum of the initial values of k, used to calculate the minimum admissible value. * **Kenergy Max Ratio**: Eddy kinetic energy (k) ratio with maximum of the initial values of k, used to calculate the maximum admissible value. * **Epsilon Min Ratio**: Epsilon (ε) ratio with the maximum of initial values of ε, used to calculate the minimum admissible value. * **Epsilon Max Ratio**: Epsilon (ε) ratio with the maximum of initial values of ε, used to calculate the maximum admissible value. * **Omega Min Ratio**: Omega (ω) ratio with the maximum of initial values of ω, used to calculate the minimum admissible value. * **Omega Max Ratio**: Omega (ω) ratio with the maximum of initial values of ω, used to calculate the maximum admissible value (> 1.0). * **K Tau Min Ratio**: K Tau (kτ) ratio with the maximum of initial values of kτ, used to calculate the minimum admissible value. * **K Tau Max Ratio**: K Tau (kτ) ratio with the maximum of initial values of kτ, used to calculate the maximum admissible value. * **Turbulence Control Level**: Level of turbulence stabilisation control (0 means Off). If instabilities are found in the eddy viscosity field, refine the mesh when possible, reduce Time_Increment or increase this value. Note that too high values may cause overdiffusive eddy viscosity results. Recommended value is 2. * **EddyKEnergy Production Limit**: Maximum ratio between the Eddy kinetic energy production and reaction term. This limiter may prevent the unrealistic buildup of eddy viscosity in the stagnation region of the bodies. Recommended value is 20.0. * **Epsilon Production Limit**: Maximum ratio between the Epsilon production and reaction term. * **Epsilon Reaction Limit**: Maximum ratio between the Epsilon reaction and production term. * **Omega Production Limit**: Maximum ratio between the Omega production and reaction term. * **Omega Reaction Limit**: Maximum ratio between the Omega reaction and production term. * **EddyViscoT Production Limit**: Maximum ratio between the Spallart-Almarax model production and reaction term. * **EddyViscoT Reaction Limit**: Maximum ratio between the SpallartAlmarax model reaction and production term. Mesh Deformation data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Fluid Mesh Deformation**: Mesh updating in fluid domain may be done by three different procedures: - *Lagrangian update*: Mesh deformation is performed following the velocity of the fluid. The following equations must be entered in Fluid deformation increment: * OX: vx*dt * OY: vy*dt * OZ: vz*dt - *ByBodies*: Mesh deformation only takes into account the movement of the defined bodies. - *ByFunctions*: Mesh deformation is performed following the values given in the Fluid Deformation Increment field. - *ByAllData*: Mesh deformation algorithm try to fulfil all the requirements (movement of bodies, deformation given in Fluid Deformation Increment field and boundary conditions). * **Update fluid mesh every (steps)**: Mesh updating in fluid domain in carried out every Update fluid mesh every (steps) steps. If set to zero, the mesh deformation is just done before the first time step. * **Fluid Deformation Increment**: Functions defining fluid mesh deformation have to be inserted here. These functions must define the deformation increment for every time step. For example, a planar rotation around origin (0,0,0) may be defined by inserting the functions xrot(w*dt), yrot(w*dt), 0.0, being w the angular velocity. Note that if the geometry units and the deformation units are different, since xrot and yrot are evaluated using internal units, the returning values have to be multiplied by the unit conversion factor. * **Solid Mesh Deformation**: Mesh updating in solid domain may be done by three different procedures: - *ByBodies*: Mesh deformation only takes into account the movement of the defined bodies. - *ByFunctions*: Mesh deformation is performed following the values given in the Solid Deformation Increment field. - *ByAllData*: Mesh deformation algorithm try to fulfil all the requirements (movement of bodies, deformation given in *Solid Deformation Increment* field and boundary conditions). * **Update solid mesh every (steps)**: Mesh updating in solid domain in carried out every Update solid mesh every (steps) steps. * **Solid Deformation Increment**: Functions defining solid mesh deformation have to be inserted here. These functions must define the deformation increment for every time step. For example, a planar rotation around origin (0,0,0) may be defined by inserting the functions xrot(w*dt), yrot(w*dt), 0.0, being w the angular velocity. Note that if the geometry units and the deformation units are different, since xrot and yrot are evaluated using internal units, the returning values have to be multiplied by the unit conversion factor. * **Movement stabilisation factor**: This factor is used to increase stability of the body movement. Higher values (>0.1) can produce compressibility effects which are necessary in the case of impact problems. Increase of this parameter, should be followed by an increase of Pressure Inner Iterations value. Heat Transfer data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Temp. Advect Stabilisation**: Order of the FIC advection stabilisation term in the temperature equation. Three available options are Auto, 4th_Order and 2nd_Order. .. note:: **Remarks**: The 4th order term increases the accuracy of the solution and is recommended in most of the cases. However in some problems it may cause instabilities. *Auto* mode will automatically switch between 4th and 2nd order scheme, depending on the smoothness of the solution. * **Temp. Control Level**: Level of control of instabilities (0 means Off). If instabilities are found in the velocity field when using the 2nd_Order Temp. Advect Stabilisation, first try to reduce Time Increment, then to increase this value. Note that high values may cause over-diffusive results. * **Temp. Inner Iterations**: Number of iterations of the inner (nonlinear) temperature eq. solver (performed every external iteration). * **Temperature Norm**: Temperature Euclidean norm used to check convergence in the non-linear iteration loop. * **Prandtl Number**: Prandtl number used to include turbulence effects in the temperature calculations. * **Radiation model**: model to be used in problems that involve heat transfer by radiation. There are currently two different radiation models available in Tdyn CFD+HT, P-1 and surface to surface (S2S) radiation models. The P-1 radiation is the simplest case of the more general P-N model. It is intended to be used in modelling problems that involve participating media, since it includes the effect of scattering. On the other hand, the S2S model is provided to take into account the radiation exchange in an enclosure of gray-diffuse surfaces that depends on the size, separation distance and orientation of the emitting surfaces. It implies the usage of the view factor geometric function. * **Elements per patch**: this option only concerns the S2S heat transfer by ration model. It determines the number of elements per patch to be used in the calculation of the view factor matrix. A large number of elements per patch will reduce the computation time for the evaluation of the view factor matrix at the expense of the accuracy. Free Surface (Transpiration) data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Wave Elevation Norm**: Euclidean norm of wave elevation field used to check convergence in the non-linear iteration loop. Free Surface (ODDLS) data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * **Advect stabilisation**: Order of the FIC advection stabilisation term in the variable equation. Three available options are Auto, 4th_Order and 2nd_Order. .. note:: **Remarks**: The 4th order term increases the accuracy of the solution and is recommended in most of the cases. However in some problems it may cause instabilities. *Auto* mode will automatically switch between 4th and 2nd order scheme, depending on the smoothness of the solution. * **Control level**: Level of control of instabilities (0 means Off). If instabilities are found in the variable field when using the 2nd_OrderAdvect Stabilisation, first try to reduce Time Increment, then to increase this value. Note that high values may cause over-diffusive results. * **Number of Phases**: Set to One_Phase to just simulate the evolution of the primary phase (mono-phase flow with free surface). This option is useful in many cases of water-air flows, where the influence of the air movement in the water flow is negligible. Two_Phases option will run the two phases flow algorithm. * **Convergence norm**: Euclidean norm used to check convergence in the non-linear iteration loop. * **Solver Scheme**: Set to Naval to increase the accuracy in those problems where the pressure distribution is mainly hydrostatic (it requires vertical coordinate to be parallel to Z axis). * **Reinitialisation Every (Steps)**: In most of the cases, reinitialisation of the level set field is not necessary to be done every time step. This option sets the number of time steps to wait to the next reinitialisation. * **Boundary type**: AdvancedOBC implements specific treatment of boundary conditions for odd level set equation in those boundaries with fixed velocity conditions. * **Mass conservation**: If On is selected, additional conservation of primary phase is enforced. If Fixed is selected the Mass increment per time step is defined in the next entry. In those cases which the Mass increment is known, the accuracy of the results will be increases selecting the Fixed option and inserting the correct value in the Mass increment entry. * **Mass increment**: Mass increment per time step used to apply additional volume conservation. * **Units of the Mass increment**: may be defined in the menu next to the Mass increment entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). Comfort ~~~~~~~ This data group includes different entries required for the thermal comfort module of Tdyn based on the Fanger's method. The Fanger's method, through the calculation of the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV), predicts the thermal comfort, and extends the PMV to predict the proportion of dissatisfied people with the environment in terms of their comfort vote, *Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied (PPD)*. The PMV index predicts the mean response of a large group of people according to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) thermal sensation scale, from -3 (cold) to +3 (hot), where 0 represents a neutral thermal feeling. * **Mean Radiant Temperature**: the uniform temperature of an imaginary enclosure in which the radiation from the occupant equals the radiant heat transfer in the actual non-uniform enclosure. * **Relative Humidity**: a term used to describe the amount of water vapor in a mixture of air and water vapor expressed as a percentage: .. math:: Hr [\%] = pv / ps · 100 where pv is the partial pressure of water vapor (H\ :sub:`2`\ O) and ps is the saturated vapor pressure of water. * **Clothing Factor**: insulation of clothes measured with the unit "clo", where 1 clo = 0.155 m\ :sup:`2`\K/W. * **Metabolic Rate**: human body heat production measured in the unit "met", where 1 met = 58 W/mm\ :sup:`2`\. Conditions and Initial Data ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Conditions are all properties of a problem (except Materials) that can be assigned to an entity, in order to define the basic boundary conditions of a problem. Conditions should be used to define inflow and outflow boundary conditions, symmetry or far field conditions, as well as complex boundary conditions like body wall type (i.e. law of the wall) or free surface. In Tdyn CFD+HT conditions are available through the Tdyn data tree that can be accessed by using the following menu sequence: In Tdyn CFD+HT conditions are available through the Tdyn data tree that can be accessed by using the following menu sequence: :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Conditions and initial data` If a mesh has already been generated, any change in the condition assignments, requires meshing again to transfer these new conditions to the mesh. If the conditions were changed and a new mesh was not generated, the user will be warned, when the data for the analysis is being written. Fluid flow analysis conditions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following boundary conditions are available in the Fluid Flow Analysis of Tdyn CFD+HT, beneath the following section of the data tree. :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Conditions and initial data > Fluid flow` Wall/Bodies ----------- **Wall/Bodies** boundaries allow the user to define special boundary conditions, representing physical walls or bodies. The options available include analytical Law of the Wall as well as body motion properties. These properties can be assigned to lines (2D plane or 2D Axisymmetric), surfaces (3D) or boundary meshes. .. note:: **Remarks**: If any entity is defined as a **Wall/Body** the graphs of the reaction forces on the fluid will be available in the postprocess of Tdyn CFD+HT. If any entity is defined as a **Wall/Body** and any movement is enabled (Mesh Deformation Analysis activated), the graphs of this movement will be available in the postprocess of Tdyn CFD+HT. In order to transfer **Wall/Body** data to the mesh, Meshing Criteria must be fixed to Yes in the corresponding geometrical entities. Note that this action is automatically done by Tdyn CFD+HT in most of the cases. Options available in Wall Type page """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" * **Fluid/Solid Wall**: Choose if the boundary condition is going to be applied either to a Fluid or a Solid domain boundary. * **BoundType**: Type of the wall boundary. Several options are available: - *InvisWall*: Impose the slipping boundary condition (i.e. wall normal velocity component will be zero). - *V_fixWall*: Impose the null velocity condition on the boundary (i.e. velocity on the wall will be zero). - *None_Wall*: No conditions will be applied to the boundary. This boundary type can be used to calculate forces on different parts of a body (in that case, the condition will be superimposed on the standard body condition). - *RoughWall*: Law of the wall condition, taking wall roughness into account, is applied at the wall distance δ. See Near wall-modelling chapter below. The fluid stress (traction) given by the law of the wall at a wall distance δ will be applied as boundary condition in the fluid solver. The wall distance must be inserted in the field Delta (see below). - *DeltaWall*: Extended law of the wall condition is applied on the boundary at the wall distance δ. See Near wall-modelling chapter below. The fluid stress (traction) given by the law of the wall at a wall distance δ will be applied as boundary condition in the fluid solver. The wall distance must be inserted in the field Delta (see below). - *YplusWall*: Extended Law of the wall condition is applied on the boundary at the non-dimensional wall distance y+. See Near wall-modelling chapter below. The fluid stress (traction) given by the law of the wall at a non-dimensional wall distance y+ will be applied as boundary condition in the fluid solver. The non-dimensional wall distance must be inserted in the field Yplus (see below). - *Cw_U2Wall*: A traction given by C\ :sub:`w`\·V\ :sup:`2`\, where C\ :sub:`w`\ is a constant and V the fluid velocity, is imposed on the boundary. The constant C\ :sub:`w`\ must be inserted in the field C\ :sub:`w`\(see below). - *ITTC Wall*: Extended Law of the wall condition is applied on the boundary at the non-dimensional wall distance y+. The fluid stress (traction) given by the law of the wall at a non-dimensional wall distance y+ will be applied as boundary condition in the fluid solver. This traction is corrected according to the ITTC 57 friction law. The nondimensional wall distance must be inserted in the field Yplus (see below). - *User Wall*: Law of the wall formulation that can be defined by the user. It requires explicit formulation of the wall traction (see below FTau Field), eddy kinetic energy (see below KEnr Field) and the turbulence length scale (see below ELen Field). * **Yplus**: If YplusWall is selected, wall law assumption is taken up to the non-dimensional wall distance y+ given here. The fluid stress (traction) given by the law of the wall will be then applied as a boundary condition in the fluid solver. See Near wall-modelling chapter below. * **Delta**: If DeltaWall or RoughWall is selected, wall law assumption is taken up to the dimensional wall distance δ specified here. The fluid stress (traction) given by the law of the wall will be then applied as a boundary condition in the fluid solver. See Near wall-modelling chapter below. * **Delta Units**: Units of the dimensional wall distance δ given in the previous field. * **Roughness**: Roughness of the wall (only used if BoundType | RoughWall is selected). * **Roughness Units**: Units of the dimensional wall distance δ given in the previous field. * **Cw**: Constant used in the definition of BoundType | Cw_U2Wall. * **VelX/Y/Z Field**: Field used for defining the velocity profile on the boundary for V_fixBound BoundType. * **VelN Field**: Field used for defining the normal velocity profile on the boundary for VnfixBound BoundType. * **FTau Field**: Field of wall traction used in the definition of BoundType | User Wall. It should be a explicit function of the variables used in Tdyn CFD+HT (see `Function Syntax <./chap9_function_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). * **KEnr Field**: Field of eddy kinetic energy used in the definition of BoundType | User Wall. It should be a explicit function of the variables used in Tdyn CFD+HT (see `Function Syntax <./chap9_function_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). * **ELen Field**: Field of turbulence length scale used in the definition of BoundType | User Wall. It should be a explicit function of the variables used in Tdyn CFD+HT (see `Function Syntax <./chap9_function_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). * **Sharp Angle**: The slipping boundary condition for the velocity will be corrected if any internal angle of this Fluid Body geometry is smaller than the one inserted here (see the following figure). In those points, the boundary condition for the velocity is ignored. This condition can be used for automatic correction of boundary conditions, in those complex geometries with trailing edges, where the Fluid Body normal vector is undefined. .. figure:: figures/sharp_angle.png :scale: 80% :align: center Example of application of the Sharp Angle option * **Line Fix Angle**: Fix Velocity Direction boundary condition will be automatically applied as boundary condition if an external angle of this Fluid Body geometry is smaller than the one inserted here (see the following figure). This condition should be used to automatically impose Fix Velocity Direction boundary conditions, in those complex geometries with edges or significant dihedral angles, where boundary conditions imposition by hand, may take too much time. .. note:: **Remarks**: In Tdyn CFD+HT 2D Plane a null velocity is imposed (instead of FixVelocity Directioncondition) if an external angle of a Fluid Body is smaller than the one inserted here. .. figure:: figures/fix_angle.png :scale: 80% :align: center Example of the places where the Line Fix Angle option could be useful. * **SternC Angle**: A control for stern of bodies (in the free surface transpiration problem) is carried out. This control will be applied in those points of the floating line of the body, where the angle between the normal and the velocity is greater that the value inserted here. See Stern flow modelling in transpiration problem section. Options available in Body page """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" * **Body Mass**: Mass of the body. Units of the mass field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). .. note:: **Remarks**: If the check box next to the Body Mass entry is selected, mass of the body will be estimated by Tdyn CFD+HT, based on a initial equilibrium of forces. *Body Mass* entry will be available for all the modules of Tdyn CFD+HT, not only when the Mesh Deformation Analysis is activated. * **Center of Gravity**: Vector giving the center of gravity of the body. Units of the center of gravity may be defined in the units section of the data tree. :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Simulation data > Units > Geometry units` .. note:: **Remarks**: *Center of Gravity* entry will be available for all the modules of Tdyn CFD+HT, not only when the *Mesh Deformation Analysis* is activated. *Center of Gravity* can be defined by a time dependant function. *Center of Gravity* position will be automatically updated with the movement of the Wall/Body. * **Radi-us/-i of Gyration**: Vector giving the radii of gyration of the body. Units of the radii of gyration may be defined in the units section of the data tree . :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Simulation data > Units > Geometry units` Options available in Motions page """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" * **Displacement Options**: For every displacement degree of freedom there exists four possible options: - *Off*: the corresponding degree of freedom is disabled (movement is not allowed). - *On*: the corresponding degree of freedom is enables (movement is allowed). If the value inserted in the corresponding Displacement Values field is different from zero for t = 0, this value will be used to define an initial movement of the body. - *Fix*: the corresponding degree of freedom is fixed to the time dependant function given by the Displacement Values field (movement is prescribed). This function is useful to impose rigid body motions. - *Field*: the corresponding degree of freedom is fixed to the generic function given by the Displacement Values field (movement is prescribed). This function is useful to impose body deformations. * **Displacement Values**: For every displacement degree of freedom, this vector gives the total displacement of the body. The corresponding fields will only be available if the Displacement Options field is selected as Fix. Units of the displacement values vector may be defined in units section of the data tree: :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Simulation data > Units > Geometry units` * **Rotation Options**: For every rotational degree of freedom there exists three possible options: - *Off*: the corresponding degree of freedom is disabled (rotation is not allowed). - *On*: the corresponding degree of freedom is enables (rotation is allowed). If the value inserted in the corresponding Rotation Values field is different from zero for t = 0, this value will be used to define an initial movement of the body. - *Fix*: the corresponding degree of freedom is fixed to the value given by the Rotation Values field (rotation is prescribed). This function is useful to impose rigid body motions. * **Rotation Values**: For every rotational degree of freedom, this vector gives the total rotation of the body. The corresponding fields will only be available if the Rotation Options field is selected as Fix. Options available in Actions page """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" * **External Forces** : This vector defines the additional external forces (gravity forces are not included) acting on the center of gravity of the body. * **External Moments**: This vector defines the additional external moments acting on the center of gravity of the body. * **Relaxation factor**: This factor is used to increase stability of the body movement. The evaluation of the forces is relaxed, by averaging the previous and current value. Recommended value is 0.25. * **Damping factor**: Damping added to the movement of the body. If the objective of the analysis is the steady state, it is recommended to increase the value of this factor (recommended value in those cases is 0.75). Inlet ----- **Inlet** boundary condition is designed to represent a flow inlet. Use if the boundary condition is going to be applied either to a Fluid or a Solid entity. * **Inlet of**: determines wether the inlet boundary condition corresponds to a fluid or a solid. * **Boundary Type**: Type of inlet boundary. Three options are available: - *Inlet Velc*: Allows defining a velocity profile on the boundary. This profile is defined by inserting the velocity components in the fields VelX_Field, VelY_Field and VelZ_Field. - *Inlet VelN*: Allows defining the normal velocity on the boundary, while tangential velocity is fixed to zero. This profile is defined by inserting the normal velocity component in the field VelN_Field. - *Inlet Pres*: Allows defining a pressure field on the inlet boundary. Outlet ------ **Outlet** boundary condition is designed to represent a flow outlet. Use if the boundary condition is going to be applied either to a Fluid or a Solid entity. * **Outlet of**: determines wether the outlet boundary condition corresponds to a fluid or a solid. * **Boundary Type**: Type of outlet boundary. Two options are available: - *OutletPres*: Pressure field is defined at the outlet boundary. - *OutletNewm*: A Newmann boundary condition on the velocity (null derivative) is defined at the outlet boundary. Fix Pressure ------------ This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities or layers and is used to fix the pressure at the given value. .. note:: **Remarks**: When the selected flow model is PrCompressible (compressible based on pressure) both pressure and density are prescribed when this condition is applied. * **Fields**: Pressure value: value (real) of the pressure. .. note:: **Remarks**: For most of the problems it is strongly recommended to fix the pressure in at least one point of the domain. When the pressure is not specified in the analysis either directly or indirectly, no reference for the pressure exists, and the resulting distribution can only be used with relative values. The pressure can be specified at a far field boundary (i.e. at the outflow boundary of the domain, when the boundary is far enough from the region of interest). The pressure can also be specified at the inlet boundary. If the conditions at inlet are not well known, it is effective to move the boundary as far from the region of interest as possible. When the selected flow model is PrCompressible (compressible based on pressure) both pressure and density are prescribed when this condition is applied. Conditional Pressure -------------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and layers and is used to specify the pressure at the value given by the pressure entry of the conditional data (only if the Pressure FuncCond data field is greater than 0): :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Conditions and initial data > Conditional data > PressureFuncCond` If the evaluation of the Pressure FuncCond field results in a value less than 0, the boundary conditions will not be applied. If the value is 0, the boundary condition will be applied only if it was applied in the previous time step. .. note:: **Remarks**: When the selected flow model is PrCompressible (compressible based on pressure) both pressure and density are prescribed when this condition is applied. When **ConditionalPressure** condition is assigned, *Pressure Field* entry is used both for defining initial values (t = 0) when starting calculation and for evaluating the assigned condition the rest of time steps. Entries of **Conditional** data may be defined by functions (see `Function Syntax <./chap9_function_syntax.html>`_ section). *Pressure FuncCondand Pressure Field* entries are common for every **Conditional Pressure** condition and can only be modified in the **Conditional** data of the **Fluid Flow** conditions. In most of the problems, it is recommended to fix the pressure in at least one point of the domain. When the pressure is not specified in the analysis either directly or indirectly, no reference for the pressure exists, and the resulting distribution can only be used with relative values. Sometimes the pressure is specified at a far field boundary (i.e. at the outflow boundary of the domain, when the boundary is far enough from the region of interest). Sometimes the pressure is specified also at the inlet boundary. If the conditions at inlet are not well known, it is effective to move the boundary as far from the region of interest as possible. Pressure Field -------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and is used to fix the pressure at the value given by the *Pressure Field* entry of the initial and field data conditions in the data tree: :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Conditions and initial data > Initial and Conditional data > Pressure Field` .. note:: **Remarks**: When the selected flow model is PrCompressible (compressible based on pressure) both pressure and density are prescribed when this condition is applied. * **Fix Initial**: The pressure will be fixed to the initial value (evaluated at t=0) of the function inserted in the *Pressure Field* entry of the **Initial and Field** data conditions in the tree. *Pressure Field* entry is evaluated at the initial step (t=0) and pressure is fixed to the resulting value for the rest of the execution. * **Fix Field**: The pressure will be fixed to the value (for every time step) of the function inserted in the *Pressure Field* of the **Initial and Field** data conditions in the tree. *Pressure Field* entry is evaluated every step and pressure is fixed to the resulting value. .. note:: **Remarks**: In most of the problems, it is recommended to fix the pressure in at least one point of the domain. When the pressure is not specified in the analysis either directly or indirectly, no reference for the pressure exists, and the resulting distribution can only be used with relative values. When **Pressure Field** condition is assigned, *Pressure Field* entry is used both for defining initial values (t = 0) when starting calculation and for evaluating the assigned condition the rest of time steps. *Pressure Field* value is common for every **Pressure Field** condition and can only be modified in the **Initial and Field** data conditions in the tree. Sometimes the pressure is specified at a far field boundary (i.e. at the outflow boundary of the domain, when the boundary is far enough from the region of interest). Sometimes the pressure is specified also at the inlet boundary. If the conditions at inlet are not well known, it is effective to move the boundary as far from the region of interest as possible. This condition allows a definition of transient boundary conditions for the pressure. The analytical functions defining transient boundary conditions will be specified in the corresponding function inserted in the *Pressure Field* entry of the **Initial and Field data** conditions in the tree. If the boundary conditions for the pressure are steady, this condition can be substituted by the **Fix Pressure** condition. The only difference between these two options in this case is, that when using **Pressure Field**, the value of the fixed pressure can be changed automatically in every entity by updating the corresponding function inserted in the *Pressure Field* entry of the **Initial and Field data** conditions in the tree. Entries of the **Initial and Field data** conditions may be defined by functions (see `Function Syntax <./chap9_function_syntax.html>`_ section). Fix Velocity ------------ This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities or layers and is used to fix the velocity at the given value. * **X Component**: Value (real) of the OX component of the velocity. * **Fix X**: Only if marked the OX component of the velocity will be fixed. * **Y Component**: Value (real) of the OY component of the velocity. * **Fix Y**: Only if marked the OY component of the velocity will be fixed. * **Z Component**: Value (real) of the OZ component of the velocity. * **Fix Z**: Only if marked the OZ component of the velocity will be fixed. .. note:: **Remarks**: The velocity has to be prescribed at the inlet boundary. If the conditions at inlet are not well known, it is effective to move the boundary as far from the region of interest as possible. Conditional Velocity -------------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and layers and is used to specify the velocity at the value given by the corresponding *Velocity X/Y/Z Field* entries of the **Conditional data** conditions in the tree (only if the given conditional data field is greater than 0): :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Conditions and initial data > Initial and Conditional data > Conditional data > Velocity X/Y/Z FuncCond` If the evaluation of the corresponding *Velocity X/Y/Z FuncCond* field results in a value less than 0, the boundary conditions will not be applied. If the value is 0, the boundary condition will be applied only if it was applied in the previous time step. .. note:: **Remarks**: When Conditional Velocity condition is assigned, *Velocity X/Y/Z Field* entries are used both for defining initial values (t = 0) when starting calculation and for evaluating the assigned condition the rest of time steps. Entries of the Conditional data may be defined by functions (see `Function Syntax <./chap9_function_syntax.html>`_ section). *Velocity X/Y/Z FuncCond* entries are common for every **Conditional Velocity** condition and can only be modified in the **Conditional data**. The velocity has to be prescribed at every inlet boundary. If the conditions at inlet are not well known, it is effective to move the boundary as far from the region of interest as possible. Velocity Field -------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and layers and is used to specify the velocity at the value given by the corresponding functions of the Initial and Field data section of the data tree: :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Conditions and initial data > Initial and Conditional data > Initial and Field data` .. note:: **Remarks**: Entries of the Initial and Field data may be defined by functions (see `Function Syntax <./chap9_function_syntax.html>`_ section). *Fields*: * **Fix Initial X**: The OX component of the velocity will be fixed to the initial value (evaluated in t=0) of the corresponding function of the **Initial and Field** data *(Velocity X Field entry)* only if the field is marked. *Velocity X Field* is evaluated at the initial step (t=0) and velocity component is fixed to the resulting value for the rest of the execution. * **Fix Initial Y**: The OY component of the velocity will be fixed to the initial value (evaluated in t=0) of the corresponding function of the **Initial and Field** data *(Velocity Y Field entry)* only if the field is marked. *Velocity Y Field* is evaluated at the initial step (t=0) and velocity component is fixed to the resulting value for the rest of the execution. * **Fix Initial Z**: The OZ component of the velocity will be fixed to the initial value (evaluated in t=0) of the corresponding function of the **Initial and Field** data *(Velocity Z Field entry)* only if the field is marked. *Velocity Z Field* is evaluated at the initial step (t=0) and velocity component is fixed to the resulting value for the rest of the execution. * **Fix Field X**: The OX component of the velocity will be fixed to the value (for every time step) of the corresponding function of **Initial and Field** data *(Velocity X Field entry)* only if the field is marked. *Velocity X Field* is evaluated every step and the corresponding velocity component is fixed to the resulting value. * **Fix Field Y**: The OY component of the velocity will be fixed to the value (for every time step) of the corresponding function of the **Initial and Field** data *(Velocity Y Field entry)* only if the field is marked. *Velocity Y Field* is evaluated every step and the corresponding velocity component is fixed to the resulting value. * **Fix Field Z**: The OZ component of the velocity will be fixed to the value (for every time step) of the corresponding function of the **Initial and Field** data *(Velocity Z Field entry)* only if the field is marked. *Velocity Z Field* is evaluated every step and the corresponding velocity component is fixed to the resulting value. .. note:: **Remarks**: The velocity has to be prescribed at every inlet boundary. If the conditions at inlet are not well known, it is effective to move the boundary as far from the region of interest as possible. When **Velocity Field** condition is assigned, *Velocity X/Y/Z Field* entries are used both for defining initial values (t = 0) when starting calculation and for evaluating the assigned condition the rest of time steps. This condition allows definitions of transient boundary conditions for the velocity. The analytical functions defining transient boundary conditions will be specified in the corresponding **Initial and Field** data section of the data tree. If the boundary conditions for the velocity are steady, this condition can be substituted by the **Fix Velocity** condition. The only difference between these two options in this case is, that when using the **Velocity Field**, the value of the fixed velocity can be changed automatically in every entity by updating the corresponding **Initial and Field** data of the Fluid Flow conditions in the tree. Fix Turbulence -------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and layers and is used to fix the turbulence variables for those turbulence models based on the Reynolds extended analogy, at the initial (evaluated for t=0) value given by the corresponding functions (EddyKEner Field and EddyLength Field) of the **Initial and Field data** section of the data tree: :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Conditions and initial data > Initial and Conditional data > Initial and Field data > EddyKEner field` :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Conditions and initial data > Initial and Conditional data > Initial and Field data > EddyLength field` *Fields*: * **Fix**: The turbulence will be fixed to the initial value (evaluated in t=0) of the corresponding function of the **Initial and Field data** section the tree only if this field is marked. *EddyKEner Field* and EddyLength Field give the value of the eddy energy and turbulence length scale or mixing length (see Turbulence modelling section), respectively. .. note:: **Remarks**: The turbulence variables have to be prescribed at every inlet boundary. In those entities where all components of the velocity have been prescribed, Tdyn CFD+HT automatically fixes all turbulence variables at the initial (evaluated for t=0) value given in the EddyKEner Field and EddyLength Field entries of the Initial and Field data section of the tree. Therefore, assignment of this condition should not be necessary in most of the cases. Fix Turbulence condition will only be useful for those turbulence models based on Reynolds extended analogy (see Turbulence Modelling section for further information) Remove Velocity Conditions -------------------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and layers and makes the program to ignore any specification on the velocity field. *Fields*: * **Free Velocity**: The velocity will be removed only if this field is marked. .. note:: **Remarks**: This option allows the solver to accomplish the KuttaJukowsky condition. In these cases the Remove Velocity condition will be assigned to the extreme point of the tail of a profile. It is also possible to automatically correct velocity impositions in these areas by using the **Wall/Bodies** options (see Sharp Angle option). Fix Velocity Direction ---------------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and may be used to define the direction of the velocity, according to the orientation of the skew system. *Fields*: * **Local Axes**: Orientation of the Cartesian axes used to define the direction of the component of the velocity vector. These can be local axes of the geometry (-Automatic- option) or any user defined system. * **Type**: Axis of the Local Axes definition. The component of the velocity vector, parallel to this axis, will be fixed to the given value. The normal velocity component to a line or a surface can be fixed by selecting Y_Axis or Z_Axis. To see the defined Local Axes, press the button Draw. .. note:: **Remarks**: Usually, the direction of the velocity has to be prescribed in some edges or areas with strong geometrical changes of the geometry. The direction of the velocity can be automatically imposed by using the **Wall/Bodies** options (see **Fix Angle** option). Fix Velocity Component ---------------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh and is used to specify the value of a component of the velocity vector. *Fields*: * **Local Axes**: Orientation of the Cartesian axes used to define the direction of the component of the velocity vector. These can be local axes of the geometry (**-Automatic-** option) or any user defined system. * **Type**: Axis of the Local Axes definition. The component of the velocity vector, parallel to this axis, will be fixed to the given value. The normal velocity component to a line or a surface can be fixed by selecting Y_Axis or Z_Axis. To see the defined **Local Axes**, press the button Draw. * **Value**: Value of the component of the velocity in the direction given by Type axis. .. note:: **Remarks**: This option is used to prescribe slipping boundary conditions on a velocity field. Since the normal vector is sometimes undefined in some complex areas (i.e. dihedral angles) of the geometry, in some cases it is better to use the **Wall/Bodies** options instead. Heat Transfer Analysis Conditions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following boundary conditions are available when the Heat Transfer Analysis of Tdyn CFD+HT is activated. Fix Temperature --------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and layers and is used to fix the temperature in a geometrical entity or layer to the given value. Fields: * **Value** : Value of the temperature. Conditional Temperature ----------------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and layers and is used to fix the temperature to the value given by the function inserted in the *Temperature FuncCond* entry of the **Conditional Data section** of the tree: :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Conditions and initial data > Initial and field data > Conditional data > Temperature FuncCond` *Fields*: * **Fix Initial**: The temperature will be fixed to the initial value (evaluated in t=0) of the function inserted in the *Temperature FuncCond* entry of the **Conditional Data** only if the field is marked. * **Temperature Field** is evaluated initial step (t=0) and temperature is fixed to the resulting value for the rest of the execution. * **Fix Field**: The temperature will be fixed to the value (for every time step) of the function inserted in the *Temperature FuncCond* entry of the **Conditional Data**. *Temperature FuncCond* entry is evaluated every step and temperature is fixed to the resulting value. .. note:: **Remarks**: This condition allows definitions of transient boundary conditions for temperature. The analytical functions defining transient boundary conditions will be specified in the *Temperature FuncCond* entry of the **Conditional Data** in Heat Transfer Conditions entry of the tree. If the boundary conditions for the temperature are steady, this condition can be substituted by the **Fix Temperature** condition. The only difference between these two options in this case is, that when using the **Temperature Field**, the value of the fixed temperature can be changed automatically in every entity by updating the *Temperature Field* entry of the **Conditional Data**. When **Temperature Field** condition is assigned, *Temperature Field* entry is used both for defining initial values (t = 0) when starting calculation and for evaluating the assigned condition the rest of time steps. Temperature Field ----------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and layers and is used to fix the temperature at the value given by the function inserted in the *Temperature Field* entry of the **Initial and Field** Data section of the tree: Conditions and Initial data ► Initial and Conditional data ► Initial and Field data ► Temperature field :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Conditions and initial data > Initial and field data > Initial and Field data > Temperature field` *Fields*: * **Fix Initial**: The temperature will be fixed to the initial value (evaluated in t=0) of the function inserted in the *Temperature Field* entry of Initial and Field Data only if the field is marked. * **Temperature Field** is evaluated initial step (t=0) and temperature is fixed to the resulting value for the rest of the execution. * **Fix Field**: The temperature will be fixed to the value (for every time step) of the function inserted in the *Temperature Field* entry of Initial and Field Data. *Temperature Field* entry is evaluated every step and temperature is fixed to the resulting value. .. note:: **Remarks**: This condition allows definitions of transient boundary conditions for temperature. The analytical functions defining transient boundary conditions will be specified in the *Temperature Field* entry of **Initial and Field Data**. If the boundary conditions for the temperature are steady, this condition can be substituted by the **Fix Temperature** condition. The only difference between these two options in this case is, that when using the **Temperature Field**, the value of the fixed temperature can be changed automatically in every entity by updating the *Temperature Field* entry of **Initial and Field Data**. When **Temperature Field** condition is assigned, *Temperature Field* entry is used both for defining initial values (t = 0) when starting calculation and for evaluating the assigned condition the rest of time steps. Heat Flux --------- * **Heat Flux**: Heat flow (power) entering to domain through this **Fluid/Solid Boundary**. It may be a constant or a function. Units of the heat flux field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). Note that positive values mean heat flow entering the domain. * **Reactive Heat Flux**: Factor of the reactive term of the heat flow (power) entering to the domain through this **Fluid/Solid Boundary**. The value here inserted will be multiplied by the current temperature to obtain the heat flow. It may be a constant or a function. Units of the reactive heat flux field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information) .. note:: **Remarks**: Convection heat transfer may be simulated by inserting the function *q - h·(Tm-To)* in the field Heat Flux, being q a defined heat flow, h the transmission coefficient and To the external temperature. However it is recommended to split this flow in two terms, constant flow *q +h·To* that should be inserted in the Heat Flow field and the coefficient of the temperature dependent term h, that should be entered in *Reactive Heat Flux* field. Radiation Flux -------------- * **Emissivity**: value of the emissivity to be used for the surfaces assigned to the corresponding radiation flux condition. In heat radiation problems this quantity measures the effectiveness of a material surface in emitting energy as thermal radiation. Quantitatively, emissivity is the ratio of the thermal radiation from a surface to the radiation from an ideal black surface at the same temperature as given by the Stefan-Boltzmann law. It must be a real value between 0.0 and 1.0 * **Wall temperature**: value of temperature for the surfaces assigned to the corresponding radiation flux condition when using the P-1 radiation model. Species Advection Analysis Conditions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fix Concentration ----------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and layers and is used to fix the value of the concentration of species (substances) at the given value. *Fields*: * **Species Name**: Name of the species (see **Edit Species** description in section Materials) which concentration is to be fixed. * **Concentration**: Value of the concentration of the species. .. note:: **Remarks**: The value of the concentration of every species should be prescribed at every inlet boundary. Conditional concentration ------------------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and layers and is used to specify the concentration of species to the value given by the *Concentration Field* entry of the **Initial and Conditional data** section of the corresponding specie definition that is done within the Materials section of the data tree (only if the corredponding Concentration Field data is greater than 0): Materials ► Edit species ► Specie name ► Initial and Conditional :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Conditions and initial data > Initial and field data > Initial and Field data > Temperature field` If the evaluation of the Concentration Field results in a value less than 0, the boundary conditions will not be applied. If the value is 0, the boundary condition will be applied only if it was applied in the previous time step. .. note:: **Remarks**: Entries of Initial and Conditional data may be defined by functions (see `Function Syntax <./chap9_function_syntax.html>`_ section). Concentration Field and Species Conditional entries of a given specie definition are common for every **Conditional Concentration** condition and can only be modified in the **Initial and Conditional** data section of the specie definition. When Conditional Concentration condition is assigned, Conc. Field entry is used both for defining initial values (t = 0) when starting calculation and for evaluating the assigned condition the rest of time steps. Concentration Field ------------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and is used to fix the concentration of species to the value given by the *Concentration Field* entry of the **Initial and Conditional** data section of the corresponding specie definition beneath the Materials section: :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Materials > Edit species > Specie name > Initial and Conditional` *Fields*: * **Specie**: Name of the species (see Edit Species description in section Materials) whose concentration is going to be fixed. * **Fix Initial**: The concentration of the species will be fixed to the initial value (evaluated in t=0) of the function inserted in the *Concentration Field* entry of the **Initial and Conditional** data section of the specie definition. *Concentration Field* entry is evaluated at the initial step (t=0) and concentration is fixed to the resulting value for the rest of the execution. * **Fix Field**: The concentration will be fixed to the value (for every time step) of the function inserted in the *Concentration Field* entry of the **Initial and Conditional** data section of the specie definition. *Concentration Field* entry is evaluated every step and concentration is fixed to the resulting value. .. note:: **Remarks**: The value of the concentration of each specie should be prescribed at every inlet boundary. This condition allows definitions of transient boundary conditions for concentration. The analytical functions defining transient boundary conditions will be specified in the *Concentration Fiel* entry of the **Initial and Conditional** data section of the specie definition. If the boundary conditions for the concentration are steady, this condition can be substituted by the **Fix Concentration** condition. The only difference between these two options in this case is, that when using the **Concentration Field**, the value of the fixed concentration can be changed automatically in every entity by updating the *Concentration Field* entry of the **Initial and Conditional** data section of the specie definition. When Concentration Field condition is assigned, **Concentration Field** entry is used both for defining initial values (t = 0) when starting calculation and for evaluating the assigned condition the rest of time steps. Advect Flux ----------- Advect Flux Solids/Fluids allows to select among the different created species list, to assign to them a flux through a certain boundary. *Fields*: * **Specie**: name of the specie to which the advect flux condition will refer to. * **SpecieFlux**: Flow of the species entering to the domain through this **Fluid/Solid** Body. It may be a constant or a function. Units of the flux specie field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). * **Reactive Specie Flux**: Factor of the reactive term of the flow of the species entering to the domain through this Fluid/Solid Body. The value here inserted will be multiplied by the current species concentration to obtain the heat flow. It may be a constant or a function. Units of the reactive flux specie field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). .. note:: **Remarks**: Entering flow of species of the form h·sp1 should be inserted in the Reactive Specie Flux field as h. Note that positive values means flow entering in the domain. PDEs solver Conditions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fix Variable ------------ This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and layers and is used to fix the value of the variable at the given value. *Fields*: * **Variable**: Name of the variable (see material Edit PDEs variables description in section Materials) whose value is going to be fixed. * **Value**: Value of the variable. .. note:: **Remarks**: The value of the variable should be prescribed at every inlet boundary. Conditional Variable -------------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and layers and is used to specify the value of a variable at the value given by the *Variable Field* entry of the **Initial and Conditional** data section of the variable definition in the Materials section of the tree (only if the evaluation of the function defined in Variable field is greater than 0): :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Materials > Edit PDEs variables > Variable > Initial and Conditional` If the evaluation of the *Variable field* results in a value less than 0, the boundary conditions will not be applied. If the value is 0, the boundary condition will be applied only if it was applied in the previous time step. .. note:: **Remarks**: Entries of the **Initial and Conditional** data section of the variable definition (within the Materials section) may be defined by functions (see `Function Syntax <./chap9_function_syntax.html>`_ section). *Variable field* and *Variable FuncCond* entries are common for every **Conditional Variable** condition and can only be modified in the **Initial and Conditional** section of the variable definition. When **Conditional Variable** condition is assigned the *Variable field* entry is used for defining both initial values (t = 0) when starting calculation and for evaluating the assigned condition the rest of time steps. Variable Field -------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and is used to fix the value of a variable to the value given by the *Variable Field* entry of the **Initial and Conditional** data section of the corresponding variable definition (within the Materials section of the data tree): :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Materials > Edit PDEs variables > Variable > Initial and Conditional` *Fields*: * **Variable**: Name of the variable (see Edit PDEs variables description in section Materials) which value is to be fixed. * **Fix Initial**: The variable will be fixed to the initial value (evaluated in t=0) of the function inserted in the Variable Field entry of the **Initial and Conditional** data section of the variable definition. *Variable Field* entry is evaluated at the initial step (t=0) and the variable is fixed to the resulting value for the rest of the execution. * **Fix Field**: The variable will be fixed to the value (for every time step) of the function inserted in the *Variable Field* entry of the **Initial and Conditional** data section of the variable definition. *Variable Field* entry is evaluated every step and Variable is fixed to the resulting value. .. note:: **Remarks**: The value of the variable should be prescribed at every inlet boundary. This condition allows definitions of transient boundary conditions for variables. The analytical functions defining transient boundary conditions will be specified in the *Variable Field* entry of the **Initial and Conditional** data section of the variable definition. If the boundary conditions for the variable are steady, this condition can be substituted by the Fix Variable condition. The only difference between these two options in this case is, that when using the **Variable Field** condition, the value of the fixed variable can be easily updated in every entity by changing the *Variable Field* entry of the **Initial and Conditional** data section of the variable definition. When **Variable Field** condition is assigned Variable Field entry is used both for defining initial values (t = 0) when starting calculation and for evaluating the assigned condition the rest of time steps. PDEs Variables Flux ------------------- PDEs Variables Flux Solids/Fluids allows to select among the list of created variables, to assign to them a flux through a certain boundary. *Fields*: * **Variable Flux**: Flow of the variable entering to the domain through this **Fluid/Solid Body**. It may be a constant or a function. Units of the flux phi field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see Units Syntax section for further information). * **Reactive Variable Flux**: Factor of the reactive term of the flow of the species entering to the domain through this **Fluid/Solid Body**. The value here inserted will be multiplied by the current variable concentration to obtain the heat flow. It may be a constant or a function. Units of the reactive flux phi field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). .. note:: **Remarks**: Entering flow of the variable of the form h·ph1 should be inserted in the Reactive Variable Flux field as h. Note that positive values means flow entering in the domain. Mesh Deformation Conditions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fix Mesh Deformation -------------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and layers. It is used to fix the value of the mesh deformation to zero or to the value given in the **Fluid Deformation Increment OX/OY/OZ** fields in the **Mesh deformation** section of the data tree. See the following **Modules Data** section of the tree: :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Modules data > Mesh deformation` *Fields*: * **Type**: Type of mesh deformation. If Fix Field is selected, imposed mesh deformation will be defined by **Fluid/Solid Deformation Increment OX/OY/OZ** fields (specified within the Modules data). If *Fix Null* is selected, mesh deformation is forced to be zero. Finally, if *No Fix* is selected, any other imposition on the mesh deformation field is ignored. .. note:: **Remarks**: The type of *Fluid mesh deformation* to be imposed may be defined in the **Modules Data** section of the tree: :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Modules data > Mesh deformation` Fix Mesh Velocity ----------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities. It is used to fix the value of the fluid flow on the selected entity to the value of the mesh deformation velocity. Conditions and Initial data ► Mesh deformation ► Fix mesh velocity :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Conditions and Initial data > Mesh deformation > Fix mesh velocity` *Fields*: * **Fix X**: mark this field in order to fix the X velocity component of the fluid flow to the value provided by the X component of the mesh deformation velocity. * **Fix Y**: mark this field in order to fix the Y velocity component of the fluid flow to the value provided by the Y component of the mesh deformation velocity. * **Fix Z**: mark this field in order to fix the Z velocity component of the fluid flow to the value provided by the Z component of the mesh deformation velocity. Free Surface Conditions (ODDLS) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ODDLS Field ----------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and is used to fix the value of the level set function to the value given by the *OddLevelSet field* entry of the **Initial and Field data** section of the tree: :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Conditions and Initial data > Initial and Conditional data > Initial and Field data` *Fields*: * **Fix Initial**: The level set function will be fixed to the initial value (evaluated in t=0) of the function inserted in the *OddLevelSet field* entry of the **Initial and Field data** section of the tree. *OddLevelSet field* entry is evaluated at the initial step (t=0) and level set function is fixed to the resulting value for the rest of the execution. * **Fix Field**: The level set function will be fixed to the value (evaluated every time step) of the function inserted in the *OddLevelSet Field* entry of **Initial and Field data** section of the tree. *OddLevelSet field* entry is evaluated every time step and level set function is fixed to the resulting value. .. note:: **Remarks**: The value of the level set function should be prescribed at every inlet boundary. This condition allows definitions of transient boundary conditions for level set function. The analytical functions defining transient boundary conditions will be specified in the *OddLevelSet field* entry of **Initial and Field data**. If the boundary conditions for the variable are steady, this condition can be substituted by the **Fix ODDLS** condition.The only difference between these two options in this case is, that when using the **ODDLS Field** the value of the fixed variable can be easily updated in every entity by changing the *OddLevelSet field* of **Initial and Field data**. When **ODDLS Field** condition is assigned, *OddLevelSet field* entry is used both for defining initial values (t = 0) when starting calculation and for evaluating the assigned condition the rest of time steps. Fix ODDLS --------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and layers and is used to fix the value of the level set function. *Fields*: * **Value**: Value of the level set function. Positive values identifies the primary phase. .. note:: **Remarks**: The value of the level set function should be prescribed at every inlet boundary. Conditional ODDLS ----------------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and layers and is used to specify the value of the level set function at the value given by the *OddLevelSet FuncCond* entry of the **Conditional data section of the tree** (only if the OddLevelSet FuncCond data field is greater than 0): :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Conditions and Initial data > Initial and Conditional data > Conditional data > OddLevelSet FuncCond` If the evaluation of the OddLevelSet FuncCond field results in a value less than 0, the boundary conditions will not be applied. If the value is 0, the boundary condition will be applied only if it was applied in the previous time step. .. note:: **Remarks**: Entries of **Cond. Data** may be defined by functions (see `Function Syntax <./chap9_function_syntax.html>`_ section). *OddLevelSet FuncCond and OddLevelSet Field* entries are common for every **Conditional ODDLS** condition and can only be modified in Cond. Data. When Conditional ODDLS condition is assigned, *OddLevelSet Field* entry is used both for defining initial values (t = 0) when starting calculation and for evaluating the assigned condition the rest of time steps. Free Surface Conditions (Transpiration) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _fix_beta_section: Fix Beta -------- This condition is assigned to geometrical/mesh entities and layers. It is used to fix the value of the wave elevation to its initial value. The initial value is the difference between the OZ coordinate of the point and the reference height of the free surface. See the following Modules data section of the tree: :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Modules data > Fluid flow > General > Pressure reference location` *Fields*: * **Fix**: The wave elevation will be fixed to its initial value only if this field is marked. .. note:: **Remarks**: This option is effective in the stern of some geometries to keep the stability of the free surface. In most of the cases it can be automatically imposed by using the **Wall/Body** options (see **Stern C Angle** option and Stern flow modelling in transpiration problem section). Free Surface ------------ Free Surface boundary conditions identify a free surface boundary of a fluid in the analysis. These properties can be assigned to surfaces (3D). .. note:: **Remarks**: **Free Surface** boundary condition is only available if the Free Surface (Transpiration) Analysis is activated. In order to transfer **Free Surface** data to the mesh, Meshing Criteria must be fixed to Yes in the corresponding geometrical entities. Note that this action is automatically done by Tdyn CFD+HT in most of the cases. *General fields*: * **Time Integration**: Time integration scheme used in the solution process of the free surface problem. The following options are available: * *Adams_Bashforth_2*: Explicit 2nd order Adams Bashforth scheme. * *Stabilised_FIC*: Time stabilised FIC scheme. * *Backward_Euler*: Implicit 1st order Backward Euler scheme. * *Forward_Euler*: Explicit 1st order Forward Euler scheme. * *Crank_Nicolson*: Implicit 2nd order Crank-Nicolson scheme. * **Length**: Characteristic length of the free surface problem (i.e. length of the **Fluid Body**). * **Damping length**: Relative damping length (total damping length is given by *Damping Length x Length*) to be used in this free surface calculation. The damping of the generated waves starts at a total damping length distance from the outlet of the free surface. .. note:: **Remarks**: In most of the cases cases it is necessary to damp the wave elevation in order not to find bouncing effects in the boundaries. * **Damping factor**: Factor that controls the damping effect. *Advanced fields*: * **Time factor**: Time integration security factor to be used in the explicit integration (i.e. Adams_Bashforth_2, Stabilised_FIC and Forward_Euler schemes) of this free surface. * **Step factor**: Time step ratio between free surface and fluid solver. It is possible to accelerate convergence by increasing this ratio, but may cause instability in the integration scheme. If chosen Time Increment is too high, reduce this value to achieve convergence. .. note:: **Remarks**: Note that solutions with Step factor != 1 will only give realistic results for the steady state. * **Advect_Stabilisation**: The order of the FIC advection stabilisation term in the free surface equation. Two options are available *4th_Order* and *2nd_Order*. .. note:: **Remarks**: The 4th order term increases the accuracy of the solution and is recommended in most of the cases, but in some problems may appear instabilities. * **StabTau_MinRatio**: Minimum admissible ratio (τ/dt, being dt the time increment) for the stabilisation parameter τ. .. note:: **Remarks**: Advection stabilisation term is proportional to the parameter τ. In most of the cases, the minimum value of this parameter should not be fixed (i.e. τ/dt = 0.0), otherwise oscillations may appear. Contacts ^^^^^^^^ Solid-Solid Contact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Solid-Solid Contact** boundaries identify a contact with continuity of the corresponding field between two disjoint solid domains. Contact properties can be defined and assigned to lines (2D Plane & 2D Asisymmetric analysis) or surfaces (3D analysis) or boundary meshes. Three contact types are available: * **Interpolating contact**: this type of contact concerns the tradicional contact algorithm. Contact surfaces must be coincident, although resulting contact meshes may be different in each side. * **Distance contact**: this type of contact allows to correlate the results between two surfaces which are not truly in contact and that can be even moving apart from each other. * **Periodic contact**: this type of contact is used to enforce periodic boundary conditions. When this type of contact is selected, X/Y/Z Distance fields become active so that distance functions can be defined in order to specify the periodicity of the contact. Options available in Fluid Flow module -------------------------------------- * **Activate contact**: if this check button is activated, the contact algorithm will enforce continuity in both, velocity and pressure, across or between solid domains. * **Activate contact (only velocity)**: if this check button is activated, the contact algorithm will enforce continuity only in velocity across or between solid domains. Note that these two options are mutually exclusive. Options available in Heat Transfer module ----------------------------------------- * **Activate contact**: thermal contact is only active if the checkbutton is selected. If the checkbutton is not selected, thermal resistance is assumed to be infinite. * **Thermal resistance**: thermal resistance of the temperature contact between solid materials. If thermal resistance is null, contact is perfect. Thermal resistance R of an homogeneous layer of a solid material, can be calculated as R = e / k, being e the thickness of the layer, and k the thermal conductivity of the material. Options available in PDE's solver module ---------------------------------------- * **Active variable**: individual check buttons are available for each defined generic variable. The check button must be selected in order to activate the contact for the corresponding variable. If a check button is not selected, an infinite resistance is assumed to exist for that particular variable. * **Resistance**: Resistance term (R), defining variables flow through the contact as dφ/dn=R·(φ1-φ2) being φ1 andφ2 the concentration (of the corresponding variables) in domains 1 and 2 respectively. If resistance is null, contact is perfect. Options available in Mesh Deformation module -------------------------------------------- * **Activate Contact**: Select to activate the contact between two solid domains for the mesh deformation algorithm. Such and option is only effective if the ByBodies mesh deformation type has been selected in the data tree as follows: :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Modules data > Mesh deformation > Fluid mesh deformation > ByBodies` Fluid-Fluid Contact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Fluid-Fluid Contact** boundaries identify a contact with continuity of the corresponding field between two disjoint fluid domains. Contact properties can be defined and assigned to lines (2D Plane & 2D Asisymmetric analysis) or surfaces (3D analysis) or boundary meshes. Three contact types are available: * **Interpolating contact**: this type of contact concerns the tradicional contact algorithm. Contact surfaces must be coincident, although resulting contact meshes may be different in each side. * **Distance contact**: this type of contact allows to correlate the results between two surfaces which are not truly in contact and that can be even moving apart from each other. * **Periodic contact**: this type of contact is used to enforce periodic boundary conditions. When this type of contact is selected, X/Y/Z Distance fields become active so that distance functions can be defined in order to specify the periodicity of the contact. Options available in Fluid Flow module -------------------------------------- * **Activate contact**: if this check button is activated, the contact algorithm will enforce continuity in both, velocity and pressure, across or between fluid domains. * **Activate contact (only velocity)**: if this check button is activated, the contact algorithm will enforce continuity only in velocity across or between fluid domains. Note that these two options are mutually exclusive. Options available in Heat Transfer module ----------------------------------------- * **Activate contact**: thermal contact is only active if the checkbutton is selected. If the check-button is not selected, thermal resistance is assumed to be infinite. * **Thermal resistance**: thermal resistance of the temperature contact between fluid materials. If thermal resistance is null, contact is perfect. Thermal resistance R of an homogeneous layer of a solid material, can be calculated as R = e / k, being e the thickness of the layer, and k the thermal conductivity of the material. Options available in Species Advection module --------------------------------------------- * **Active species**: individual check buttons are available for each existing specie. The check button must be selected in order to activate the contact for the corresponding specie. If a check button is not selected, an infinite resistance is assumed to exist for that particular specie. * **Resistance**: Resistance term (R), defining species flow through the contact as dφ/dn=R·(c1-c2) being c1 and c2 the concentration (of the corresponding species) in domains 1 and 2 respectively. If resistance is null, contact is perfect. Options available in PDE's solver module ---------------------------------------- * **Active variable**: individual check buttons are available for each defined generic variable. The check button must be selected in order to activate the contact for the corresponding variable. If a check button is not selected, an infinite resistance is assumed to exist for that particular variable. * **Resistance**: Resistance term (R), defining variables flow through the contact as dφ/dn=R·(φ1-φ2) being φ1 andφ2 the concentration (of the corresponding variables) in domains 1 and 2 respectively. If resistance is null, contact is perfect. Options available in Mesh Deformation module -------------------------------------------- * **Activate Contact**: Select to activate the contact between two fluid domains for the mesh deformation algorithm. Such and option is only effective if the ByBodies mesh deformation type has been selected in the data tree as follows: :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Modules data > Mesh deformation > Fluid mesh deformation > ByBodies` Fluid-Solid Contact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Fluid-Solid Contact** boundaries identify a contact with continuity of the corresponding field between solid and fluid domains. Contact properties can be defined and assigned to lines (2D Plane & 2D Axisymmetric analysis) or surfaces (3D analysis) or boundary meshes. Three contact types are available: * **Interpolating contact**: this type of contact concerns the tradicional contact algorithm. Contact surfaces must be coincident, although resulting contact meshes may be different in each side. * **Distance contact**: this type of contact allows to correlate the results between two surfaces which are not truly in contact and that can be even moving apart from each other. * **Periodic contact**: this type of contact is used to enforce periodic boundary conditions. When this type of contact is selected, X/Y/Z Distance fields become active so that distance functions can be defined in order to specify the periodicity of the contact. Options available in Fluid Flow module -------------------------------------- * **Activate contact**: if this check button is activated, the contact algorithm will enforce continuity in both, velocity and pressure, across or between fluid and solid domains. * **Activate contact (only velocity)**: if this check button is activated, the contact algorithm will enforce continuity only in velocity across or between fluid and solid domains. Note that these two options are mutually exclusive. Options available in Heat Transfer module ----------------------------------------- * **Activate contact**: thermal contact is only active if the checkbutton is selected. If the check-button is not selected, thermal resistance is assumed to be infinite. * **Thermal resistance**: thermal resistance of the temperature contact between solid and fluid materials. If thermal resistance is null, contact is perfect. Thermal resistance R of an homogeneous layer, can be calculated as R = e / k, being e the thickness of the layer, and k the thermal conductivity of the material. Options available in Species Advection module --------------------------------------------- * **Active species**: individual check buttons are available for each existing specie. The check button must be selected in order to activate the contact for the corresponding specie. If a check button is not selected, an infinite resistance is assumed to exist for that particular specie. * **Resistance**: Resistance term (R), defining species flow through the contact as dφ/dn=R·(cs-cf) being cs and cf the concentration (of the corresponding species) in solid and fluid domains respectively. If resistance is null, contact is perfect. Options available in PDE's solver module ---------------------------------------- * **Active variable**: individual check buttons are available for each defined generic variable. The check button must be selected in order to activate the contact for the corresponding variable. If a check button is not selected, an infinite resistance is assumed to exist for that particular variable. * **Resistance**: Resistance term (R), defining variables flow through the contact as dφ/dn=R·(φs-φf) being φsandφf the concentration (of the corresponding variables) in solid and fluid domains respectively. If resistance is null, contact is perfect. Fluid-Boundary Contact ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It allows to define a contact among a fluid and surfaces where fluid could be in contact. Three contact types are available: * **Sticking**: fluid will not slide on the surface. * **Frictionless**: fluid will slide on the surface without friction. * **Coulomb**: fluid will slide on the surface with a coulomb friction. Friction coefficient must be defined. Normals of boundary surface must point to the side of surface where fluid will contact. .. figure:: figures/fluid_boundary_contact.png :scale: 80% :align: center Normals of boundary surface must point to the fluid domain. Materials ^^^^^^^^^ Fluid and Solids ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Materials are groups of physical properties and other data that identify a material, fluid or solid to be used in the analysis. For any problem that needs definition of materials, there is a database of existing materials that can be assigned to entities: :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Materials and properties > Physical properties > Fluid | Solid` The user can also create new materials derived from the existing ones and assign them as well: :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Materials and properties > Physical properties > Generic Fluid | Solid` This is the procedore to create a new Material: 1. Press **Create New Material** in the contextual menu of the above mentioned **Materials and properties > Physical properties > Generic Fluid | Solid** option. 2. Write a new name and change some of its properties. 3. By pressing **Ok**, a new material is created taking an existing one as a base Material, which means that the new Material will have the same fields as the base one. All new values for the fields can be entered when defining the new material. It is also possible to redefine existing Materials by entering new values directly in the fields. .. note:: **Remarks**: If a mesh has already been generated and new materials are assigned to the geometry or some of the existing ones are removed, it is necessary to mesh again. In this section only the main Materials will be presented. Therefore, Materials with other names can be found in the Materials database. Anyhow, all these Materials will be based on the ones shown here (i.e. they will have the same properties fields). Options available in Fluid Flow module -------------------------------------- This is the fluid model assumed to govern the behavior of the material. The fluid model must be one of *Incompressible, Slightly Compressible, Barotropic, Incompressible Ideal Gas or Ideal Gas*. But the actual available options will depend on the selected *Flow Solver Model*. The *Flow Solver Model* in turn can be selected using the following option of the data tree: :guilabel:`Tdyn Data > Fluid Dynamics data > Fluid Solver > Flow Solver Model` * **Density**: Density of the fluid. It may be a constant or a function (always greater than zero). Units of the density may be defined in the menu next to the density entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). * **Viscosity**: Viscosity of the fluid. It may be a constant or a function (always greater than zero). Units of the viscosity may be defined in the menu next to the viscosity entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). * **Create function for viscosity**: Tdyn offers the capability to analyse non-Newtonian fluids. The different models implemented can be choosen in the drop-down list of the window appearing by clicking on the button to the right of the viscosity entry of the generic non-Newtonian material (or any other existing nonNewtonian fluid) in the materials database. * **Power law model**: if choosen in the drop-down list of the viscosity model window, a non-Newtonian flow will be modelled according to the power law model in (Bird 1976). * **Herschel-Bulkley model**: this is a three constant simple generalization of the Bingham plastic model to embrace the non-linear flow curve (see `TdynCFD+HT theory manual <../../theory/tdyn_theory_manual.html>`_ for details). * **Carreau model (for pseudo-plastics)**: when there are significant deviations from the power-law model at very high and very low shear rates, it is necessary to use a model that accounts for the limiting values of viscosities (μo and μ∞). The Carreau model (Carreau 1972) attemps to describe a wide range of fluids by the establishment of a curve-fit to piecetogether functions for both Newtonian and Shear-thinning (n<1) non-Newtonian laws. * **Cross model**: four parameters model in (Cross 1965) which has gained popularity to describe the behavior of viscosity in the slow-shear-rate range. * **Consistency index (k)**: the consistency index of the power law model is a measure of the average viscosity of the fluid. * **Time constant (λ)**: time constant to be used in the Carreau viscosity model (see `TdynCFD+HT theory manual <../../theory/tdyn_theory_manual.html>`_ for details on the Carreau model). * **Natural time (λ)**: inverse of the shear rate at which the fluid changes from Newtonian to power-law behavior in the Cross model (see `TdynCFD+HT theory manual <../../theory/tdyn_theory_manual.html>`_ for details). * **Power-Law index (n)**: power law index of the power-law model. This value actually determines the class of the fluid. * n = 1 corresponds to a Newtonian fluid; * n > 1 corresponds to a shearthickening (dilatant) fluid; * n < 1 corresponds to a shear-thinning (pseudo-plastic) fluid. * **μ Min.**: minimum viscosity limit to be used in the power-law model. * **μ Max.**: maximum viscosity limit to be used in the power-law model. * **μ0**: zero-shear viscosity limit used in both the, Carreau model and the Cross model. * **μ∞**: infinite-shear viscosity limit used in both, the Carreau model and the Cross model. * **Yield stress threshold (τo)**: yield stress in the Herschel-Bulkley model. * **Zero-shear viscosity (μo)**: yielding viscosity (o zero-shear viscosity) in the Herschel-Bulkley model. * **Temperature dependent**: this flag is used to choose between shear-rate dependent and shear-rate plus temperature dependent model. * **Reference temperature (Tα)**: reference temperature to be used for shear-rate and temperature dependent non-newtonian fluids (see `TdynCFD+HT theory manual <../../theory/tdyn_theory_manual.html>`_ for details on the Arrhenius law controlling the temperature dependence of vsicosity). * **Activation energy/R(α)**: ratio of the activation energy to the thermodynamic constant for a shear-rate and temperature dependent non-newtonian fluid (see `TdynCFD+HT theory manual <../../theory/tdyn_theory_manual.html>`_ for details on the Arrhenius law controlling the temperature dependence of vsicosity). * **Compressibility**: Compressibility factor of the fluid, α, defined as the inverse of the square of the speed of the sound in the fluid. Here it can be defined by a constant or a function (always greater than zero). This option is only available for Slightly Compressible or Barotropic fluid models. Units of the compressibility may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). .. note:: **Remarks**: Slightly compressible fluid model is defined by the following pressure/density relationship: Δρ=α·Δp, where α=1/c2 is the compressibility of the fluid, being c the speed of sound in the medium. *Barotropic* fluid model is defined by the following pressure/density relationship: p=A·ργ where the factor γ is related with the speed of sound in the medium by c=ρ/(γ·p). * **Molar Mass**: Molar mass of the gas. This option is only available for Incompressible Ideal Gas or Ideal Gas fluid models. Units of the molar mass may be defined in the menu next to the this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see Units Syntax section for further information). * **Darcy's law Resistance Matrix**: Coefficients of the matrix defining permeability resistance of the flow in a porous media (Darcy's law). Due to this effect, a pressure drop given by δpi = -(μ·D·v)/vi · δxi will be added to the velocity momentum equations. Where δpi is the pressure drop for the momentum equation in the xi direction, μ is the fluid viscosity, D is the Darcy's law Resistance Matrix, and v is the velocity vector of components vi. Units of the *Darcy's law Resistance Matrix* may be defined in the menu next to the these entries. * **Acceleration Field**: External acceleration vector acting on fluid. May be defined by constants or functions. .. note:: **Remarks**: It is recommended to insert functions with a smoothed start up for this additional acceleration. Otherwise it can create oscillations in the solution. Vertical field will be added to the vertical component of the gravity, as an additional acceleration. Options available in Heat Transfer module ----------------------------------------- * **Density**: Density of the fluid. It may be a constant or a function (always greater than zero). Units of the density may be defined in the menu next to the density entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). .. note:: **Remarks**: Density entry in this window is the same for Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer data. When both modules are selected if Density entry is changed in Fluid Flow data, it will be automatically updated in Heat Transfer data. * **Specific Heat**: Specific heat (CP) of the fluid. It may be a constant or a function (always greater than zero). Units of the specific heat may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see Units Syntax section for further information). * **Thermal Conductivity**: Thermal conductivity (k) of the fluid. It may be a constant or a function (always greater than zero). Units of the thermal conductivity may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see Units Syntax section for further information). * **Floatability**: Floatability effect of a fluid (Boussinesq type) due to small changes of density. May be a constant or a function. This property controls the buoyancy effect due to the variations of temperature in the fluid. Standard effects are modelled by inserting the function β·(T-T0) where β is the volume expansion of the fluid and T0 is the temperature of reference. In this case, buoyancy effect will be taken into account by a variation of density of the fluid proportional to the temperature (ρ = ρo· β·(TT0)). This term is undimensional. .. note:: **Remarks**: Note that Floatability entry can also accept non-linear terms. * **Heat Source Field**: Volumetric heat source in the fluid. May be a constant or a function. Units of the heat source field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). * **Heat Reaction Field**: Volumetric heat reaction in the fluid. This entry will be added as a reactive term in the system of equations (i.e. a source term depending linearly to the temperature). May be a constant or a function. Units of the heat reaction field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). Options available in Free Surface (ODDLS) module ------------------------------------------------ * **Primary Phase**: Current material will be identified as primary phase for the ODDLS free surface analysis. The primary phase is the phase of interest of the analysis. Special care is taking into account in order to improve the accuracy of the solution obtained for the primary phase. * **Secondary Phase**: Selected material will be identified as secondary phase for the ODDLS free surface analysis. * **Surface Tension**: Surface tension between primary and secondary phase. Units of the surface tension can be defined in the menu next to the Surface Tension entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). Species ~~~~~~~ Species Materials Data ---------------------- **Fluid/Solid Props** tabs of Species Edition (see the following figure) are split in two frames. Upper frame shows the standard equation that is solved for the species (equation is different in Fluids and Solids). Lower frame shows the entries of the coefficients of the differential equation of the selected species. .. figure:: figures/species_definition.png :scale: 80% :align: center Species definition window Options available are shown next: * **Advection f1**: Advection factor of the selected species (see the figure above). This property may be defined by a constant or a function. Advection factor is undimensional. * **Diffusion (Fick´s Law, in Fluids. For Solids, it is a matrix) f2**: Total diffusion of the selected species (see the figure above). Please note that this value must include the turbulent and physical diffusion of species. This property may be defined by a constant or a function. Units of the total diffusion field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). * **Degradation f3**: Reactive term of the selected species (see the figure above). This property may be defined by a constant or a function. Units of the reactive field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). * **Source f4**: Source of concentration of the selected species (see the figure above). This property may be defined by a constant or a function. Units of the source of concentration field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). Species General Data -------------------- Options below have to be defined for every existing Species. * **Max limit**: Maximum acceptable value of the species concentration. * **Min limit**: Maximum acceptable value of the species concentration. * **Convergence norm**: Euclidean norm of species concentration used to check convergence in the non-linear iteration loop. * **Inner iterations**: Number of iterations of the inner (nonlinear) species concentration eq. solver (performed every external iteration). * **Advect stability**: Order of the FIC advection stabilisation term in the species concentration equation. Three available options are Auto, 4th_Order and 2nd_Order. .. note:: **Remarks**: The 4th order term increases the accuracy of the solution and is recommended in most of the cases. However in some problems it may cause instabilities. *Auto* mode will automatically switch between 4th and 2nd order scheme, depending on the smoothness of the solution. * **Stability control**: Level of control of instabilities (0 means Off). If instabilities are found in the species concentration field when using the 2nd_Order Advect Stabilisation, first try to reduce Time Increment, then to increase this value. Note that high values may cause over-diffusive results. * **Volume conservation**: If this box is selected, conservation of species concentration will be enforced. Species Turbulence Data ----------------------- * **Schmidt number**: Schmidt number used to include turbulence effects in the species calculations. Species Initial and Conditional Data ------------------------------------ * **Concentration Field**: Initial (t=0) and reference concentration field. May be a constant or a function (see Function Syntax section for further information). .. note:: **Remarks**: If any Concentration Field condition has been assigned to any entity within this material, this field will be used as a base to calculate boundary conditions. If the corresponding Fix Initial field has been marked, the concentration of the species will be fixed to the initial value (evaluated in t = 0) of the function inserted here. If the corresponding Fix Field has been marked, the concentration of the species will be fixed to the value (for every time step) of the function inserted here. It is possible to define transient boundary conditions for the concentration of the species this way. * **Species Conditional**: Conditional function used to define **Conditional Concentration** boundary conditions. **Conditional Concentration** boundary conditions will only be applied if the Species Conditional field value (resulting of the evaluation of the given function) is greater than 0. If the evaluation of the Species Conditional field results in a value less than 0, the boundary conditions will not be applied. If the value is 0, the boundary condition will be applied only if it was applied in the previous time step. PDEs Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Species Materials Data ---------------------- **Fluid/Solid Props.** tabs of PDE's Variables Edition (see the following figure) are split in two frames. Upper frame shows the standard equation that is solved for the species (equation is different in Fluids and Solids). Lower frame shows the entries of the coefficients of the differential equation of the selected species. Options available for Fluid Props. are shown next: * **ft1**: Temporal factor of the selected variable (see the following figure). This property may be defined by a constant or a function. Units of the temporal factor field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). .. figure:: figures/PDE_material.png :scale: 80% :align: center PDEs Variables definition window * **fc1**: Advection factor of the selected variable (see the figure above). This property may be defined by a constant or a function. Units of the advection factor field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). * **f2**: Total diffusion of the selected variable (see the figure above). Please note that this value must include the turbulent and physical diffusion of variable. This property may be defined by a constant or a function. Units of the total diffusion field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). * **f3**: Reactive term of the selected variable (see the figure above). This property may be defined by a constant or a function. Units of the reactive field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). * **f4**: Source of the selected variable (see the figure above).This property may be defined by a constant or a function. Units of the source field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). Options available for Solid Props. are shown next: * **f1**: Temporal factor of the selected variable. This property may be defined by a constant or a function. Units of the temporal factor field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). * **f2**: Total diffusion matrix of the selected variable. Please note that this value must include the turbulent and physical diffusion of variable. This property may be defined by a constant or a function. Units of the total diffusion field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). .. note:: **Remarks**: If only one value of the diffusion of the variable is available, it should be inserted in the diagonal terms of the matrix. * **f3**: Reactive term of the selected variable. This property may be defined by a constant or a function. Units of the reactive field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). * **f4**: Source of the selected variable.This property may be defined by a constant or a function. Units of the source field may be defined in the menu next to this entry. It is possible to define additional units by entering new dimensionally correct units in the box (see `Units Syntax <./chap5_units_syntax.html>`_ section for further information). Variables General Data ---------------------- Options below have to be defined for every existing PDE's Variables. * **Max limit**: Maximum acceptable value of the variable field. * **Min limit**: Maximum acceptable value of the variable field. * **Convergence norm**: Euclidean norm of variable field used to check convergence in the non-linear iteration loop. * **Inner iterations**: Number of iterations of the inner (nonlinear) variable eq. solver (performed every external iteration). * **Variable stabilisation**: Order of the FIC advection stabilisation term in the variable equation. Three available options are Auto, 4th_Order and 2nd_Order. .. note:: **Remarks**: The 4th order term increases the accuracy of the solution and is recommended in most of the cases. However in some problems it may cause instabilities. *Auto* mode will automatically switch between 4th and 2nd order scheme, depending on the smoothness of the solution. * **Stability control**: Level of control of instabilities (0 means Off). If instabilities are found in the variable field when using the 2nd_Order Advect Stabilisation, first try to reduce Time Increment, then to increase this value. Note that high values may cause over-diffusive results. * **Volume conservation**: If this check-button is selected, conservation of variable field will be enforced. Variables Initial and Conditional Data -------------------------------------- * **Variable Field**: Initial (t=0) and reference variable field. May be a constant or a function (see Function Syntax section for further information). There is one Variable Field entry for every variable. .. note:: **Remarks**: If any Variable Field condition has been assigned to any entity, this field will be used as a base to calculate boundary conditions. If the corresponding Fix Initial field has been marked, the value of the variable will be fixed to the initial value (evaluated in t = 0) of the function inserted here. If the corresponding Fix Field has been marked, the value of the variable will be fixed to the value (for every time step) of the function inserted here. It is possible to define transient boundary conditions for the variables this way. * **Variable FuncCond**: Conditional function used to define Conditional Variable boundary conditions. Conditional Variable boundary conditions will only be applied if the Variable FuncCond field value (resulting of the evaluation of the given function) is greater than 0. If the evaluation of the Variable FuncCond field results in a value less than 0, the boundary conditions will not be applied. If the value is 0, the boundary condition will be applied only if it was applied in the previous time step. There is one Vars. FuncCond field for every variable. * **Initialize variable**: if this check-button is selected, the selected variable is re-initiated to a signed distance every time step. Utilities ^^^^^^^^^ In this section, several specific utilities of Tdyn CFD+HT are introduced. **Forces on Boundaries** (Pre-processor menu option **Utilities > Forces on Boundaries**, post-processor menu option **View Results > Forces on Boundaries**) shows the last value of the forces on the defined boundaries (see Fluid and Solid Boundaries reference for further information). The components of the acting force on the boundary are: * **Pressure forces**: force resulting of the integration of the pressure on the boundary. * **Pressure moments**: moments of the pressure forces, evaluated in the center of gravity of the boundary. * **Static pressure force**: force resulting of the integration of the fluid static force on the boundary (note that if the total pressure algorithm is selected, this component is null). * **Static pressure moments**: moments of the static pressure forces, evaluated in the center of gravity of the boundary. * **Viscous forces**: force resulting of the integration of the fluid traction on the boundary. * **Viscous moments**: moments of the viscous forces, evaluated in the center of gravity of the boundary. * **Total forces**: total forces acting on the boundary. * **Total moments**: total moments acting on the boundary, evaluated in the center of gravity of the boundary. .. note:: **Remarks**: The units of the forces are based on the OutPut Units defined by the user (Newtons by default). * **Forces Graph**: (Pre-processor menu option **Utilities > Forces graph**, post-processor menu option **View Results > Forces graph**) shows a graph of the evolution of the forces on the defined boundaries (see Fluid and Solid Boundaries reference for further information). * **Motions Graph**: (Menu option **Utilities > Motions graph**, postprocessor menu option **View Results > Motions graph**) shows a graph of the evolution of the movements on the defined boundaries (see Fluid and Solid Boundaries reference for further information). * **Norms Graph**: Time evolution graph of the different convergence norms involved in the problem. For each norm, normalized values of the increment ratios of the corresponding variable are plotted against time. When all variable increments become smaller than the Steady State Norm the simulation stops.